The Thing About Jace

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"Bye all!" I say and walk outside. I walk over to Danny's sports car. Danny unlocks the car, and I get in. I put my backpack on the floor.

Danny gets in after I do and starts the car. Once we are on the road and headed to school, Danny finally speaks up.

"So what did you and Shawn talk about?"he asks.

"Really, Danny? That's the best you got? It's been 5 minutes."

"Sorry, I am just curious."

"You are? Or the boys are?"

Danny sighs as if to say 'you caught me'and then says "Both."

I laugh. "I know you too well."

"I think that is a good think, we are after all brother and sister."He says and I sigh, leaning against the window. 10 minutes later, we pull into my school parking lot.

Danny pulls into the drop off lane, and parks. I reach and grab my backpack, and am about to get out when Danny puts his hand on my arm.

I look at him. He has concern in his eyes. "Ginger, how are YOU doing with the news?" he asks.

"I am fine. Would everybody just back off!" I say and then get out of the car. He rolls down the window.

"Hey, Ginger. Lend is picking you up after school."

"Why not you?"

"I have some things to do for the Alpha." He says and then rolls his eyes.

"But I thought that you were going to help me after school." I say.

"I was, but this came up. Sorry, Snap." He says my nickname like always. Snap. Ginger Snap. Get it?

"Yeah, whatever. Bye Danny." I say and walk towards my friends.

"Ginger!" my best friend Nora says as I reach them. She wraps her arms around me. I hug her back. Nora has short black hair, with ice blue eyes. Her lips are always really red. She is a skinny girl with a waist about the size of a tennis ball.

She is wearing a green top with black skinny jeans, and flats.

She pulls back and looks at what I am wearing. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." I say to her and then I look at the rest of my friends. "Hey guys!" I say to them and wave. They do the same back. They are all in my pack.

"Come on guys, the bell is about to ring!" Nick says and we all start walking into the school. As we walk, Markus comes up beside me.

"Hey, are you coming this weekend?" he asks, put a arms around my waist. STOP! No, we are't dating. I'm not dating anyone. Nick and the rest of my friends are just like this. I just it is like a protection thing. Evan is doing it to Della right now, they aren't mates or dating.

"No! I am stuck babysitting that Alpha's and Luna's son from the Clearwater pack. They are coming today, and staying the whole weekend. This sucks! I could use some good eye candy." I groan. Markus laughs.

"I don't want to brag-" Nick starts.

"Then don't!"Nora and I yell at the same time. Nick put his hands up in defense. He laugh at him and then walk to our lockers. I get al the books I need for the next few hours, and then we are off to class.

Since I am the Alpha's "Daughter", I am kind of popular. Not in a bad way. Lots of people say "hi" to me when I past them in the hall. My posse is right behind me. I walk to first hour which I have with Chase.

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