Big News

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 "Knock, knock." I hear, I was sleeping but now I'm awake.

"Hey, mom."Zane says to the voice.

"Hey, how are you guys holding up?"Jane asks.

"Well, she fell asleep about an hour ago. I'm okay."

"You hate seeing in pain."

"Yeah," Zane breaths out.

"Your father hated that about heat too." Jane says. I feel her sit on the end of the bed. The past 7 hours, Zane have been making love. That's the only thing that makes the heat go away. We don't even bother getting dressed, because 5 minutes later, we would be naked again.

Zane has an arm wrapped around me. I move a little, and he pulls me closer.

"You guys are cute." Jane says.

"Thank you," I say; eyes still closed.

Zane kisses my temple. "I thought that you were sleeping." He whispers.

I look up at him. "I was,"

"How are you feeling?"Jane asks.

I look at her. "Um, okay. The pain has gone away. I feel better." I say, and she smiles.

"Good! I always remember my first heat." Jane says.


"I was so scared I didn't know what to do."

"Yeah, my first time I was with my brothers. They took care of me." I say and Zane starts to growl. Since I have alpha blood, I get my without having a mate.

I put my hand on Zane's bare chest. "Calm dow-"

"Oh, MY GOD!"

I snap around and look at her. Her hand is over her mouth. "What?" I ask.

"The ring," she says pointing to my engagement ring. "You too are.."

"Yes," I say.

"This is great!!!" she says.

I smile, and she smiles back.

"I have to be honest, I thought you were going to be mad."

"Oh, I am so happy for you too! Well I guess I will leave you too alone, to sleep. It is 12:23. Good-night you guys." She says and leaves. I fall back on Zane. I move my head to look up at him.

"I'm so tired." I say, and he says his is too.

"Lets just sleep,"Zane says and that is what we do.

"I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my god!!" someone yells.

Then everyone starts yells something.

I just stand off to the side; taking it all in.

"Elaina, I can't believe your pregnant." Winnie says.

All of the girls run up to her. I walk over to the couch, and Kyler opens his arms. I fall into him lap. I pull a blanket over us. Kyler kisses the top of my head. I lay my head in the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around me.

Everyone is congratulating Shawn and Elaina. Once we all set down, I close my eyes.

"So boy or girl?"Jewels asks.

"We are going to keep it a surprise, but Ginger knows." I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Should we wake her up?"

"NO!"Gabe whisper yells.

"But honey, we want to find out."Annabeth says to her mate.

"She not sleeping." Kyler says.

"What? How do you know?"

"She my sister. She has fell asleep in my arms for years." Kyler says.

"So Ginger tell us!!"Jewel says. I open my eyes, and see everyone staring at me.

I sit up, "I will if you run to the store and get me something." I say with smirk.

"Anything." I wave her over and whisper in her ear. She looks at me with wide eyes. I relax back against to Kyler again.

"Alright, ladies! Socks, shoes, and out the door. Now!" she tells the group and then we all get to work. I put my high heels and then I grab my purse.

"Where are you guys going?" Dylan asks.

"To the store," his mate says and gives him a quick kiss. We all get outside, and get into our cars. Jewels won't let me drive so I sit in the passengers seat. When we get to the store, we all get out.

"So what are we looking for?" Shania asks.

Jewels tells them. They have the same reaction. We set off and find it.

"Which brand?"

"I don't know!" I say and put my hands up.

"What brand do you guys use?" Kate asks.

They all shout out a brand. We just grab one, and check out. Once we bought everything, we go to the bathroom. I go to the stall and go the bathroom.

We wait around, until we get an answer.

I hold up the pregnancy test, and read what it says. Pregnant.

"I'm sorry, you guys." I say and they all look sad.

"It's okay," Elaina says.

"But your going to be aunts again!" I say and they all start screaming with joy. I hug Elaina, and whisper in her ear. "Sorry to take your mojo."

"That alright. I hope your happy."she says, but not in a mean way.

I turn back to the girls, and they are really happy for me.

"So, how are you going to tell your mate?"Kate asks.

My face drops. "Well we are really on speaking terms.."


"Um, we had a fight. And I don't want to talk about." I say as Winnie's phone rings, from a text.

She reads it, and looks at us. "We are being summand." She says and we laugh.

"What does that mean?" Carrie asks.

"When ever we go out, one of our mates always sends a dirty text to one person. Which means that they want us to come home. Don't worry you will get them one day." Winnie explains.

Carries cheeks get all red.

"Can we just go? I'm tired." I ask.

"Yea, of course."Shaina says, and we go home to my brothers. 

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