Their Coming!

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I don't want to worry all of my brothers, so I decide to call only one. Now the question is which one do I call?

I decide and dial his number.

"Hey little sis! How's it going?"

"I'm having a baby!" I say.

"I know." He says.

"NO, Dylan! I'm having a baby! My water just broke. Zane is taking me to hospital now. It's really scared, and I know Zane is here, but it would be a lot if you were here too." I say.

"I'm on my way." He says and hangs up.

We get to the hospital and get inside.

"Hi, my mate is having her babies. Can we get a doctor?" Zane ask the nurse at the first desk.

"Zane stop being nice." I say through gritted teeth. "Get me a fucking wheelcar!" I say to nurse. Her eyes widen, but she does what she is told. I sit in the chair, and they push me down the hall.

"On a scale of one to ten what is your pain?" a nurse asks.

"Um, a 2 and a half." I joke.

"Really?" she asks; shocked.

"No you fucking idiot! What's it look like? It's a 20." I say. We to the room, and they hook me up to the machines. Once everything is ready, they leave the room. After minutes Dylan comes into the room.

"Hey, Ginger. How are you doing?"

"Not good. I want these things out." I say. He laughs and kisses my head.

"Your going to be a great mom."

"I hope so. Good thing I have a great mate to help me out." I say. Zane kisses me.

"So you guys are back together?"

"Yep. It's best for the kids." I say. I have said things plural several times now, and he still hasn't caught on."Did you tell Shawn?"I ask.

"No, but they are on their way here too. Elaina is in labor too."



"That bitch has to steal everything from me." I say.

Dylan and Zane both yell. "Hey, don't talk about here like that."

"I'm in so much pain. I get to do what ever I want."

"Shawn and the rest just got here."Dylan says. I pull of the covers. "I'm going." I say. Dylan holds me back.

"No your not. Your having a baby."

"Actually I'm having twins. A boy and a girl!" I say and grit my teeth.

"Really?"Dylan's face lights up.

"Yeah," Zane answers.

"Zane can you go get me some ice?" I ask.

"Sure," he says, gives me a kiss and then leaves the room.

I turn to Dylan. "If it comes to it, I want to die to save the babies."

"Here is your ice!" Zane says. I give him a kiss.

"Thanks, babe." I say. Dylan is still silent form the talk that we just hand. I made him promise to let me dies. It was hard but he caved.

"How are you feeling?"

"That there is a baby coming out of me." I say. I feel the pain again, and I grit my teeth. I scream. Zane grabs my hands.

"It's okay, babe. Almost done." He says. When the pain passes, I look at him. "I am never having another baby ever in my life." I tell him Dylan laughs.

"I'm sure that I can convince you." Zane tells him. The doctor comes in.

"Ginger, nice to see you again."

"I would say it's nice to see you, but I am not in the mood right now." I say and he laughs.

"Should we have a look?" he says, and I lift my legs up. He checks everything out.

"It looks like you are ready to push. We will start in about 15 minutes." He says and walks out.

"Get Shawn here." I say.

A minute later, all of my brothers and their mates, are piling into my room.

"What's going on?" Ty asks.

"Oh, we are just playing poker. I having a baby you idiot." I say, but kind of scream.

"But Elaina is having a baby." Kyler says.

I look at Zane, "If any of our kids get their genes, I swear we are putting them up for adoption." I say and everybody laughs.

"How long?" Gabe asks.

"15 minutes. 15 minutes until I become a mother." I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.

Gabe whips it away. "Snap, you have been a mother your whole life. You helped raise all of us. Well, everyone but Shawn." He says. I smile. I hug him.

The doctor walks back in. "Are we all rea- Whoa!" he says and takes us all in. We laugh.

"Doc, these are all my brothers, and their mates." I explain.

"Well, your parents were busy." He says and we laugh again. "Alright who is staying in the room?"

"Um, I think just Zane and Dylan." I tell him.

"Alright, I am going to have to ask the rest of you to leave the room." He says. Everyone says there good-byes and goes back to Elaina.

The nurses and the doctor get ready and set up for me to push.

"Alright, are you ready?"
I shake my head yes.

"Then begin pushing on 3. One, two, three."

Then next thing I know, two crying babies are being handed to me.

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