chapter 9 ⚔ Three Ghosts

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Oliver and Jill were still unconscious on the tables, flatlining after the attacks.

John and Felicity were getting Barry and Aurora to help.

"Hold them," Aurora told them, walking closer with a mix.

"They're not going to make it," Barry told them.

"They will," Aurora told them. "We just have to find out what's in their systems."

"I--I--I usually only work on dead people," Barry told them.

"Stop freaking out and do what I do to Jill to Oliver," Aurora told him. "All right, I can think of four possible diagnosis for what's causing their bodies to react this way." She shone a light into Jill's eyes. "Make that three possible diagnosis." She walked around the tables to check on Oliver. "Two. Start chest compressions." Barry gave chest compressions to Oliver while John gave the compressions to Jill. Aurora drew a liquid into two syringes, handing one to Felicity. "Get this to his arm." 

"Got it," Felicity told her, injecting Oliver.

Aurora injected Jill. "They're suffering from intravenous coagulation."

"What?" John asked.

"Their blood is unnaturally clotting," Aurora answered. "It's like maple syrup."

"We can save them, right?" Barry asked.

Aurora looked around the room, finding a box of rat poison, picking it up, walking closer. "Lucky you guys have a rat problem."

"Are you kidding?" John asked. "That'll kill them."

Aurora poured the rat poison into two containers. "They die if I don't."

"Aurora..." Barry trailed off uncertainly.

Aurora walked closer, looking from Barry and John to Felicity.

Felicity nodded. "Do it."

Aurora drew the poison into a liquid. "Just the right amount of this will thin their blood enough to get it circulating again."

Aurora handed one needle to Felicity.

Felicity and Aurora injected both Jill and Oliver while Barry and John continued to give them chest compressions.

Jill was barely conscious. She heard Amy's voice in a hallucination. "Let go, Jill." 

Jill slowly, weakly turned her head toward the side to look at the hallucination of Amy, what she had looked like after the water had taken her away after the shipwreck.

"She's crashing," John told them.

Jill could barely listen to them, looking at the hallucination of her sister.

"Don't fight anymore," Amy told her. "You wanted me to stay with you. I'm here now. You can stay here with me."

Jill weakly reached her gloved hand toward the hallucination of her sister.

Jill and Oliver were on the tables.

Jill was still trying to wake up all the way.

Oliver started to stir.

Aurora and Barry were checking on them.

Oliver bolted straight up, gripping Barry by his throat.

Barry started to choke and gasp.

John and Felicity walked closer.

"Oliver, let him go," John told him. "Oliver!"

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