chapter 8 ⚔ The Scientist

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John, Jill, Moira and Oliver walked into the hallway of the Queen Consolidated building, outside of Oliver/Jill's office.

Felicity walked closer. "Mrs. Queen, welcome back to the company."

"Thank you," Moira told her.

"You look fabulous," Felicity told her. "Really, better than ever. Did you do something to your hair?"

They walked into the office.

Moira nodded. "Yes. I shampooed it without eight women and a guard watching me."

Felicity chuckled before returning serious. "Is it okay to laugh? Because I was ordered not to say anything about you being in prison, just to avoid any awkward..." Moira walked toward Oliver's desk. "Exchanges."

Jill looked at Felicity. "Like that one."

Felicity groaned. "Right."

They followed Moira.

Isabel didn't want to hand the company back over to Moira.

Jill walked into Oliver's office to speak to him. "Oliver. There's been a break-in."

Oliver followed Jill out of the office.

John, Felicity, Oliver and Jill were in the applied sciences division where the robbery had occurred.

Oliver and Jill kneeling next to where the door had been torn down.

"This door is made of expanded reinforced titanium," John told them. "What did they use to do this."

Lance walked closer. "Not sure yet. No sign of any explosives. Maybe a crane, maybe a forklift. I'm guessing there was at least three of them, maybe four." Oliver and Jill stood. "And given how quick they got in and out of here... they were fast. Any idea what these guys were so hot to break in here for? You didn't happen to leave a spare earthquake machine lying around, did you?" Oliver gave Lance a look. "Sorry."

A strawberry blonde woman walked in.

"Aurora," Felicity told her.

Aurora smiled. "Hi, Felicity."

Felicity turned to the others. "Guys, this is Aurora Swan. She's a doctor and scientist that works at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City."

Lance shook hands with Aurora. "Yeah, the captain called her in with a CSI guy."

"Yeah, he's running late," Aurora told them. She showed them her tablet. "This is what we're able to pull off the security cameras." They saw a man burst in through the door and throw a device at the camera to take it out. "He was the only guy we got on video. The rest of the crew must have come in after him."

Barry Allen walked closer. "Actually, it was only one guy. Uh, sorry I'm late. But actually, my train was late. Well, the second one. The first one I did miss, but that was my cab driver's fault. I've got this great traffic app, and... but he thought that he was right. I'm here, now, though, so..."

"Great," Jill told him. "Who the hell are you?"

"And do your parents know that you're here?" Oliver asked.

"That's Barry Allen," Aurora told them. "He's from the Central City Police Department." 

Barry took out his ID to show them. "I'm with the Crime Scene Investigation Unit. We're working on a case with some similar unexplained elements in Central City, so when the report of your robbery came over the wire, my captain sent me up here."

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