Chapter 13

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          we meet Keaton at chilies and ate. little Keaton isn't so little anymore. I missed that little guy! haha I promised the boys id keep in touch the best I can. wes dropped me off at the house. I said my good byes and went inside.

          I walked in to everyone drinking! "Brittany!! Come here" care yelled as I walked inside. I could smell the weed, it was so strong. not good! WWE drug test. but if I do get contact high, it should be out of my system by the time I return. "Yes Care?" I said walking in the kitchen. she was sitting on rooks lap. everyone was chillin on the floor drinking. "Here, drink up!" care handed me a bottle. "Nahh im good. im just gonna go to bed." "Boooo! no fun!" Kenny said. "hush up!" "Why you goin to bed, you just got back?" slim spoke up. "Exactly, im tired. I need sleep. I promise ill be nice and relaxed tomorrow, so ill hang with you guys" "You better! we want to get to know you!" slim said. I laughed "Night!" "Oh hey, don't lock the door. I sllep in there remember!" kells yelled to me as I walked in the room. I turned smiled then closed the door.

          I laid down and let my eyes close. I woke up to a loud noise. "FUCK,                SHIT,                      Whoops." a drink hit the floor. the person laughed and plopped on the bed. I rolled over to see kells passed out already. I looked at the floor, a bottle of beer pouring out onto the floor. great. I rolled back over and went back to sleep.

       nightmare  ~ Black, everything's Black. everywhere I turn darkness fills my vision. something taps my shoulder. I turn to find a small dark figure in front of me. it suddenly started to grow. bigger and bigger. passing my height by a mile. it then took a step towards me causing me to step back. it took another step and another. I turn and ran from the figure. it got closer and closer. I looked back nothing. I looked back forward. there it stood. right infront of me. it appeared to smile and bent down lunging its arm forward to grab me. I took off running yet again. but this time, I ran to a brick wall. causing me to fall. I looked back to it approached me. 10, 5, 3, feet away. it finally reached me. I couldn't move. fear took over my body. I could barely breathe. I laid there screaming. the figure grinned once again. bent down to grab me. it was inches away. I let out one last scream.~

  I jumped up in bed. I sat up panting. my god. I sat with my hand on my face. I looked at my phone 5:00am. kells came in the room around 2. I laid back down trying to go back to sleep. I looked over at kells, who was still sound asleep. I hope I didn't wake him.

          I laid in bed for another hour. still couldn't fall back asleep. at 7 I gave up and got up to go to the bathroom. im burning up. I splash cold water on my face. these nightmares have me scared to sleep. they've been going on for a couple of months. I went back to the room to put on my shoes for a morning run. I ran a mile every morning, just cause im on vacation doesn't mean im gonna stop.

          I spent extra time on my run to look at the river bed. I used to live by one when I was little. I walked inside. everyone was sitting in the living room sleepy. "MORNING!" I yelled, knowing they're all hung over. "shhhhh! where have you been all morning?" care asked. "what do you mean, I went for a run." 'for 4 and a half hours?" Kenny said "dang its been that long! whoops. I got caught up" "riverbed?" "yup, surprised you guys are up already" "food, bro of course we up!" dub said. "who's cooking?" "aye yo beaner!" a guys voice yelled from the kitchen. "wait for it" care said. "is that...?" it clicked. "Matty?!!" I ran to the kitchen to see my old best guy friend. him , Kenny and another guy were the best of friends when I was like 13. he had me in a bear hug "hey don't forget about me!" I turned to see the another guy that was my best friend. "Charlie!!!" I gave him a tight hug. "oh my god! ive missed you too!!!!" I said "ya right, you never call" matt said. "ive been busy. im sorry but im here now!" "go take a shower stinky, your all sweaty!" Charlie said letting me go. "haha okay" I went to the room to get my towels. kells was cleaning up his split drink. "excuse me" I said walking around him. "your good" he said. I grabbed my towels. "did I wake you when I came to bed last night?" kells asked as I looked at my phone. a text from john. "ya, but its alright. I crashed right after" "sorry bout that.     and the drink"  "its okay, don't sweat it." ~hey, hows the vaca?~ I texted john back. ~so far so good!~ I put my phone down and went to walk out. wait... I turned around "did I wake you?" he stood up. "no,i was drunk as fuck! a train couldn't wake me!" "oh,okay" I walked out.

       I showered and went back to the room. I grabbed clothes. pink sweat pants and a black V-neck. I went to go get dressed. I began to drop my towel when I turned around. "OH GOD!" I screamed. kells was laying on his bed watching me. howd I not notice him? he smiled. I quickly coved myself back up. "don't let me stop you" he chuckled "GET OUT!" "haha fine" he walked towards the door. "you sure you want me to leave?" "OUT!!" I closed the door in his face.   I got dressed and went out to the living room. kells was sitting on the couch smiling at me. "like the show?" I said sarcastically. "how soon till I see more?" I flicked him off. " ohh givin me a preview huh?" he winked at me. I gave him a look. "anyways what are we doing today?" :umm.chillin out here I guess" kenny said. "fine with me" I was looking around the living room for a place to sit. "oh here, you can seat by me" kells said with a smile. "ill pass" I sat on the floor beside Kenny. "well fine then!" "so Brittany" "yes slim" "tell us" "tell ya what?" "everything there is to know about you" "haha what do you want to know?" "OH!! did you hook up with any WWE superstars??" Care yelled.  "Ahhhh haha umm.." "come on! I know you did! WHO??" "god care im not a hoe!" "so you expect me to believe you Brittany Garcia went a whole year without getting those lips on someone else's? please" "haha, well, um" by this time everyone was in the room. "well for the show I was 'with' cody Rhodes. but only on the show, hes married. uh... one drunken night, orton...haha and well..." "WHO!!!!!" care yelled again. "no one knows but.....john" "WHAT!!!! I KNEW IT!! just friends my ass!" "no I was missing my sister and nephew and I got drunk with cm punk, john, orton, and sheamus. john took me home and stayed the night. I was crying and thanked him and.... it happened" "WHEN!" "like 3 months ago" "did you like it?" "no, I felt weird after. hes like my brother. I pulled away and apologized" "so, no feelings?" "Nope!" "dated anyone?" "nahh, im not about that life" "what?! haha" kells asked. everyone laughed. "what?" "your not about that life? what life you about?" everyone laughed again. "I wanna focus on my dream and not worry about a guy" "so what type of guy are you about?" slim said causing everyone to continue their laughter. "umm.... well" I looked at care,who was smiling at me. she started to laugh causing me to laugh. then Kenny realized what we were laughing at and joined in.

**long chapter!!!!!!!! hope you liked it!!!**

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