Chapter 41

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***** I'm updating cause CENA WON LAST NIGHT!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!

Haha I'm weird..


We chilled a while till it was time for mine and Nikki's match.
We left and headed to the ring.
We went out.
The match started.
In the middle of the match Brie interfered.
She punched me dead on the mouth.
Ref DQed Nikki.
Brie and Billie walked up the ramp towards the back.
I got up from the mat so the ref could raise my hand.
I felt something warm dripping down my mouth. I quickly covered my mouth. The ref raised my hand.
I pulled my hand away to look
All red
I hurried and covered my mouth again.
I left the ring and walked back stage. John was the first to greet me. "Let me see" he pulled my hand away. "It doesn't hurt". "You have blood dripping down your stomach" I looked down.... oh god! "when? I didn't feel anything!". "Probably when Brie punched you." Brie and Nikki ran up to me as john walked me to the trainers. "I'm so soo sooo sorry I had no idea!" "It's okay brie. I didn't feel anything". "I feel so bad. I'd give you a hug but..-". "Don't sweat it. It happens. It's just blood"

The trainer check our my mouth. When Brie hit me, she made my tooth jam into my bottom lip. Busting open my lip and causing my gums to bleed. The trainer left the room with john. In came running colson. "Are you okay? all I saw was blood coming from your mouth!" He grabbed my face. "I'm fine colson" I said calmly. "Babe! she punched you in the face! making you bleed!" "I can take a hit. I didn't feel anything. I'm fine!". "How are you so calm!". "Colson this stuff happens!"

John walked in with a zip lock bag full of ice. "Here, Tony said ice!" he handed it to me. "Thanks" I put it up to my lip. "You sure you're okay!?" colson asked looking in my eyes. I nodded. "She's a trooper!", john said nudging me. "She's fallen off the top turn buckle, hit her head on the steel steps, and was throwin into the barricade. She walked away from it all with a smile in her face. She's crazy!" I smirked at john. "I don't know if I can take this." me and john started laughing. "You'll get used to it!"

Colson pulled my head into a hug. "Colson." he started kissing my head. "I just don't want your pretty little face to get messed up" he said in between kisses leading to my cheek. "I can handle myself.". "Is your lip okay enough to kiss me?" I turned to him, removing the ice pack.

We left the trainers room and found the others. We watched more of the show till it was time for colson and them to head to the venue. John suggested we go with them. I agreed. We're all in johns bus on our way to the show.

"Where are we planned to go next?" I asked john. "Uhhh... I'm not scheduled for Smackdown. Check your calendar!!"
I sighed and grabbed my phone. We're all sitting in the front if johns bus on the couch. Colson sitting next to me. "I'm not scheduled either! not till Thursday! In.... Maine". "Me too" I went to put my phone back bit colson grabbed it from me and started going through it. "If you're worried about me talking to anyone else-". "Nah, I trust you". "Okay.."

My phone started ringing. "Who is it?" I asked. "Ali" he answered it. "Give me my phone". "Brittany Garcia's phone". "Colson!" I went to grab it. Colson shot up and ran to the back of the bus. "Uh this is colson. You are?". "Ohhhh, I've heard of you!". "I'm Brittany's boyfriend". "Oh she didnt!?" "Colson!". "Ohhhh well you may know me as MGK, Machine Gun Kelly?". "You that's me!!". "Did she really!??" "Colson!!! GIVE IT TO ME!" He gave me a look. "She'll call you back" he hung up. "Gladly!" he winked. "Oh god!" I grabbed my phone from him. "What'd we want?" "Doesn't matter" he said leaning against me. Forcing me against the fall. "Really colson! I haven't talked to her in weeks!". "Why is that?". "I've been busy!". "When were you gonna mention me?" "why? Mad?". "Little bit" he leaned in closer. "Get a room!!!" "Not on my bus!!!!" john yelled. Colson flipped them off.

We got to the venue just in time. All the fans were chanting "MGK MGK MGK". We walked in. "Thank god you're here!" some blonde girl said hitting colson. Ash. "Sorry got backed up. Uh ash this is brittany" I smiled at her. "Nice to meet the colson that colson has been obsessing over!". "Not obsessing..." I laughed. "Good to know!". "Okayyyyy lets gooooo! on stage NOW!"

She pushed him towards the stage. "Wait!" he pulled away from her grip. "Colson!" he came up to me. "You're staying right?". "Ya! I wouldn't miss it". "Good" he smiled. "RICHARD COLSON BAKER!" Ash yelled. he turned around. "DONT YOU DARE USE MY GOVERNMENT NAME!" he yelled back. "LETS GO!" he turned back to me. Planting his lips to mine.

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