Chapter 22

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  ****as promised an update!!!! enjoyyyyyyy! ill try to update soon but school started but up so i dont know if ill have time. but ill try every chance i get!...***

   we sat on the hill silent for a good 15 minutes "alright," he stood up "come on" he had his hand out for me to grab. i looked up at him. "just come on!" i sighed  and got up ignoring his hand. i started walking to the car. i could hear him sigh in frustration. he ran up behind me. i went to go open the car door he stopped me in my tracks. closing the door. i looked at him. "we're not driving"  "then what?"  he turned around and headed towards the woods.what is he doing. he continued to walk. "you coming?" he finally yelled out to me. i followed.

     i caught up to him. "okay, now where are we going?" he didnt answer. we continued to walk and walk and walk. before i knew it we've been walking for 20 minutes. "okay kells stop!" i practically yelled. he still didnt answer me. so i pulled hes arm forcing him to look at me. "what?"  "where are we going?"  "there" he motioned for me to look behind him. it was  restaurant made out of nothing but glass. glass walls all around. perfect to see the woods surrounding it. they had some lights around trees so you can get a better view of the woods. "hungry?" he smiled. "why didnt we drive?"  "uh you cant drive here, everyone walks. see" he pointed to a lite up path just a little away from us.  "oh.."  "lets go" he grabbed my hand and lead me to the doors of the restaurant.

      we got seated and the waitress took our drink order. "so, is this where you bring all your girls?" he laughed and looked down. "only the ones that matter" he said looking back up.  "oh please. you've known me for how long already?"  "long enough to know that i like what i see." he winked at me.  "what a line! now how many of them fall for that?"  "just about all" he chuckled.

      "you expect me to fall for that?"  "not one bit" he smirked. the waitress returned with our drinks and then took our food order and left. "now what?" i asked. he looked at me. god now i remember why i was obsessed with him... "we talk"  "about?"  "favorite color?" i laughed "blue"  "favorite food?"  "chicken"  he chuckled "really?" "yes!"   "okay, favorite place?"    "in the ring"   "favorite-"   "why do you care?" i snapped at him   "just trying to make conversation..sorry"  "well enough about me, what about you?"   "what do you mean?"   "favorite color, food, place?"   "i thought you knew already"   "just cause i was a fan doesnt mean i knew everything about you."  "alright alright. chill out damn. no need to get mad." i sighed. thank god shortly after the waitress came with our food. this can avoid conversation for a while. why does he want to know so much. im not interested in him. i have way too much to think about. what am i saying. he doesnt want to date me.. heck he doesnt date at all. what if hes trying to sleep with me.. the hell if thats gonna happen. i continued to eat not bothering to look up at him even though i could feel him burning a hole in my forehead.

       20 minutes passed.. i sat there staring at my empty plate. the waitress brought the check and started to flirt with kells a bit. he shook it off and shot her down.. why he could of had a free piece of ass. not like he's gettin it from me. after the waitress left i could tell he was getting pissed. he then got up and headed towards the door with me following close behind. we walked in the woods silent. i manged to get ahead of him while walking. "okay stop!" i stopped dead in my path. "look, what ever shit i said back there that pissed you off. im sorry. i didnt know trying to get to know some one could be a crime. if you dont want to tell me anything about yourself fine. you dont have to. but you can at least talk to me now." he walked up behind me. "fine, thanks for dinner." i started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and  pulled me back to face him. he pulled back alittle too hard cause i bumped right in to him. our faces inches apart. hes blue eyes glazed down at me. i dont wanna break this daze. hes hand was still around my arm. his other hand made its way to my face to move a piece of hair outta my eyes. he gently tucked it behind my ear. but kept his hand on my face. then hes other hand started to wrap around my waist pulling me even closer to him. he slowly leaned down. looking from my eyes to my lips. he leaned closer...


he closed his eyes..

i then shut mine..

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