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Chapter 1

(Wednesday 14th December 2011)


(The Johnson household)

Vanessa’s house: (In the comments below)

Vanessa’s POV

The alarm rings as I get up from bed to get ready to go to a sweet 16 with my best girls, Lyric (You know who you are), Sophie and Aisha..DAMN! I can’t wait till mine…it’s gonna be BIIIIIG!...Anyway,  I first go into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face, then I after I creamed my body and I went and got changed in this….

Vanessa’s outfit: (In the comments below)

Then I down stairs and had breakfast, said goodbye to my mum and went out the door.  

End of POV


(Vanessa is walking down the road to Aisha’s house when 5 random guys about the age of 20 stop and jump out of a black shiny van and grabbing Vanessa, causing her to scream really loud with force trying to attract attention for help, but she fails as the guys already close the door and drive off to an unknown place)


(Aisha’s house)

Aisha: Urgh!...Where-is-she?*Trying to call Vanessa’s cell phone that wasn’t picking up*

Lyric: To tell you…I really don’t know where that girl is right now..She was supposed to be here half an hour ago?

Sophie: I know right…Do you think that something could have happened to her?

Aisha: I’m really not sure…But we “are” running “late”…So we’re just gonna have to go without her, we have to be at my cousin’s house by 12:40 to help her out with some stuff for her sweet 16

Sophie: Yeah *sighs*

Lyric: *Smh*

Aisha: Come on, let’s go *in an annoyed deep tone*

(The girls get up and leave)

(10 Minutes later)


(Aisha’s cousin’s house)

Jazmine*Aisha’s cousin *: Heeeey Sophie, heeey Lyric, hey couz

Sophie: Hey yall

Lyric: Hey Sister

Aisha: Hey big couz, wus up?

Jazmine: Just chillin *in a gangsta voice*

*The girls laugh and they hug each other*

Jazmine: So where’s my girl Vanessa?

Aisha: Oh..She didn’t come…I tried to ring her cell phone but she wouldn’t pick up…I don’t know what’s happened to her

Sophie: Yeah…We’re all really worried about her

Jazmine: Awh man…This is bad…Now I don’t know if I even wanna have my sweet 16 today…Something really bad might be happening to her right now yall..And I can’t celebrate my sweet 16 without my girl you know

Lyric: Awh man now I just feel terrible *sigh*

Sophie: I hope she’s ok though? *sigh*

Aisha: Yeah! *sigh*


(Meanwhile at the unknown………

Vanessa: *Waking up*Huh…Where am I?

??????: *Standing in front of Vanessa and looking down at her* Good evening Vanessa *Devious voice*

Vanessa:*Her eyes bulge* YOU!...W-WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?

??????:*Slaps her* SHUT UP!...You STUPID girl!

Vanessa: *begins to cry* Why are you doing this to me…What do you want from me?

??????: Ooooh, “your” just about to find out, GUYS!

*His crew walks in*

?????: Why don’t we get this party started aye guys?

His crew: YEAH!



*All 5 of them start walking slowly up to her*

Vanessa: No…No please…Please don’t hurt me…I beg of you…No…AIEEEEEEEEEE!!! *In tears*

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 coming soon

What do yall thinks gonna happen to Vanessa……..Stay tuned to find out….In “My Life Be Like”

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