Chapter 1- The comment

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You woke up this morning, got out of bed and walked over to your computer to see if the video finally uploaded. "Yes! Finally!" you said relieved. "I should probably tweet out an apology on why it was late" you said as you picked your phone up off the floor. Before you could open twitter your phone buzzed. you looked wide eyed at your phone. "Eeek!" you screamed but then remembered your roommate Aspen. "Oops. Eeek!" you whisper squealed. you heard a loud pounding on the wall from Aspen's room "(Y/N) be quiet! I'm trying to sleep here!" Aspen groan shouted from the other side of the wall. "Sorry Asp! Just got a little excited." You said loud enough for her to hear.  You heard foot steps approach your door, then Aspen walked in. "About?" She said in a demanding tone. " About this" You said as you showed her your phone. "Hey love your videos! me and the guys were wondering if you would want to record with us one day" Aspen read aloud. "And what so different about this comment then all the other people asking you this question?" She asked. "Well Aspen my clueless and bestest friend this just happens to be a comment that The Vanoss-fucking-Gaming wrote on MY video!" You said raising your voice at the last part. "And?" Aspen asked again. " Vanoss is one of the most subbed people on YouTube! And one of my favourite YouTubers! (If he's not just go with it) You said in a really excited tone. "Well what are you for?! Fucking reply already!" Aspen said now interested. You then replied to the comment.


+VanossGaming I would LOVE to! 

"Hopefully he'll see it" You said. "I should probably record a video. Hey Asp wanna record a video?" "Uhh sure. But can I get dressed first?" She said. "No I'm totally going to make you wear your pj's for the video" You said sarcastically. With that she left your room to get dressed. 10 minutes later you finished getting dressed and started to put a little bit of makeup on. 5 minutes after that you finished and you tweeted out: (Y/T/N) Hey guys I'm doing a QnA with Aspen send in your question! <3 

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Delirious's laugh~~~~~~~~~~

20 minutes later Aspen and you finally got the lights an camera set up. Time to record.

"First question is from PugettsNotDruggets and they asked how long have you guys been friends?" You said. "Good question Pugett" Aspen said. " About 12 years!" You said cheerfully.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Rage Basically~~~~~~~~

"And last question today is from-" You began. "I wanna read it (Y/N)" Aspen wined. "Okay Asp's going to read it" You announced to the camera while laughing a little. "The last question is from...Drum roll please!" Aspen said dramatically. You tapped on your desk. "VanossGaming! And he asks Does that mean a yes? With a screen shot of your comment (Y/N)!" Aspen said sounding proud of her self. "Yes, yes it does Vanoss" You said not wanting to use his real name because you didn't know him well enough. You said thank you to the people who asked the questions and did your outro. "Now time to edit" You said to your self. 

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