Chapter 3-Awesome!

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You woke up excited today. Yesterday the guys said they wanted to ask you something. "I wonder what it is" You said to your self as you logged on to your computer. 

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Wildcats dorito gmod player model~~~~~~~~

~~~2 hours later~~~

You sat at your desk watching the live subscriber count. You were almost at 1 million. "Oh my gosh! Oooh idea I should record my reaction!" So you set up your lights, turned on your screen recorder, and turned on your webcam. You didn't bother doing an intro 'cause this would just be a clip in the video. 

~~~5 minutes of waiting later~~~

You looked at your screen in awe. You did it you got to 1 million subscribers and you were only 21. You screamed of happiness. "Oh my god I can't believe it!" You said looking at your webcam. "Thank you guys so much for one-fucking-million subscribers. I can't even imagine that many people." You said kind of tearing up. You did a little rant kind of thing about having have done YouTube for 4 years and didn't imagine getting here (Like most YouTubers do). After that you thanked the camera one last time and turned it off. "Now time to make a best moments video" You said to yourself still kind of in shock. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Delirious saying "Teddy bear"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After 2 hours of looking for footage and editing you finally finished. "Done" You said as you saved the video. Just after you said that you got a call from the guys (On skype). "Hey guys!" You said cheerily. "Hey (Y/N)" They said back (Vanoss,Delirious,Wildcat,Nogla,Terroizer,Mini). "Congrats on one mill." Delirious said. "Thanks!" You said back quite happy with your self. "So what did you guys want to ask me?" "Oh right!" Evan ex-lamed. " We wanted to ask you if you wanted to help us and a few other YouTubers with a game we're making?" (Its still Evan talking). "I would love to!" You said over joyed. "Great!" They all said. "Wow one million subs and asked to help make a game in one day! This is awesome! So who else is part of it?" You asked no one in-particular. "All of us. Minus Wildcat. Nanners, and a few others." Brian said (Terroizer). "Awesome!" You said (Now do you see where I got the chapter name from) "So what is it about?" "Its a multiplayer horror game." Craig (Mini) said sounding a little excited. "Cool! I know I'm asking ALOT of questions but, what are we doing for the game?" "We're helping come up with map ideas and characters, stuff like that." Evan said. "Sweet! Is it weird I already have an idea for a character?" You said chuckling. "Nope! Its actually a good thing!" Delirious said popping the p. "Well I gotta upload my one mill video, I'll talk to you guys later! Bye!" You said. "Okay bye, (Y/N)!" Nogla said. Everyone else said their goodbyes and you hung up from the call. "Okay time to upload" You whispered to yourself. You uploaded the video and soon was bombarded with tweets and comment saying congrats, stuff like that. "Well that was a very eventful day" You said tiredly.

A/N: Thank you to the 4 people who have for some reason decided to read this story! The game (if you haven't figured it out yet) in the story is Dead Realm. Just thought I should say that. But anyways I'm only going to upload this chapter today because I may or may not have stayed up till 6 am reading FF's on here... And woke up at 1 pm. Okay Imma go now! ^-^ Bye! Thank you again!  


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