Chapter 4-Pax

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~~~~(Y/N)'S POV!~~~~

I woke up to the alarm I set 2 hours ago. It's been 2 weeks since Evan said he would find a hotel. Well he found one that wasn't to expensive and was pretty close to where Pax was going to be hosted. I slowly got out of bed noticing it was still dark outside. I grumbled to  myself about waking up this early. I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face to wake up. As I was going to my room I decided to see if Aspen was awake yet. I peaked my head around the corner of the wall to the left of her door. The she was sprawled out on her bed like a star fish. I walked over attempting to wake her up. But failed. I walked out of her room quickly to go get something. And walked back in with a a small paper cup filled with freezing water. I walked over to her bedside and tried waking her up once more. Like I suspected she didn't wake up. "Okay Asp you brought this upon your self" You said dramatically. I then dumped the cold water on to her strawberry blonde hair, and some of her face. She immediately shot up and scowled at me. "Really?!" She whisper screamed  not wanting to disturb our neighbors. "Sorry Aspen... You wouldn't wake up so I had to do it." I said giggling in between words "Okay now get dressed we have half an hour to get to the airport" I said while walking out and into my room right beside Aspens. 

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~ 

                                                                      (What you're wearing) 

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                                                                      (What you're wearing) 

                                                                        (What Aspen is wearing) 

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                                                                        (What Aspen is wearing) 

Once I was dressed you put a little bit of mascara on and brushed your teeth. Then checked my phone for the time. "Come on Asp we gotta go!" I said loud enough for her to hear. "Okay I know!" She said coming out of her room. "Here" She said while handing you a granola bar. "Thanks." I gave her a small smile and we headed to our car. 

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to when you're in Boston~~~~~~~~~~~

(If you already live there just ignore the stuff about the flight) 

Aspen and I got out of the cab she called. I looked up at the hotel. It was really nice looking. "Wow" I said. I was snapped out of my trance by Aspens hand in my face. "Sorry" I said still in awe. 

~~~~~~~Time skip to the hotel room~~~~~~

Aspen and I finally found our room. "Finally" She said tiredly. I unlocked the door with the key-card. 

We put our stuff next to the T

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We put our stuff next to the T.V stand/dresser and flopped down on the beds. I took the one near the window and Aspen took the one near the door and the bathroom. With in 5 minutes I felt my eye lids grow heavy and slowly darkness engulfed me. 


I'm sorry this chapter was short and that they all are I just wanted to say thank you for almost 60 reads! And to the people that voted on the different chapters. Sorry again for the short chapter I had another sleepless night and right now I can feel my self getting tired. Next chapter I promise the you will get o me the guys. I just really need to sleep. Any ways I might update this weekend. Maybe cause school is starting on Monday....Please save me I'm not ready for high school! I wanna be in kinder garden again! ;~;

Please save me I'm not ready for high school! I wanna be in kinder garden again! ;~;

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Okay Imma get some sleep...Bai meh peeps!! :D =3

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