Chapter 7- Where The Hell Are You?!

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Like I said if I got bored I would write more and I'm bored so here you go!!!
I decided to walk up the stairs to our room, so I didn't have to socialize with whoever was in the elevator. I really didn't want to talk to anyone. Just because I hang out with them and am friends with them doesn't mean I slept with one of them. And they all have girlfriends! That was all I was thinking ever since that jackass asked that question.

As soon as I got into mine and Aspens room I flopped down on my bed. Then like the idiot I am I checked twitter. And just as I though I kept getting asked; Did you really sleep with one of them? Either that or; You're such a slut. Or; whore. Just a whole lotta hate. But there were a few AMAZING people who were defending me. I sent out a quick tweet saying thank you to those people, and tried to sleep. I was soon interrupted by texts from all the guys and, Aspen. Most of them saying where the hell are you! I didn't want to deal with it anymore so I put on do not disturb for all of them. I'll try to sleep. So I turned my phone off and closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep.
Okay I'm really sorry but I gotta stop it here cause my phone is about to die and I do t have a charger for my phone. Okay anyways I hope you guys liked it and I will update tomorrow cause I'll be at my aunts house for thanksgiving yes again. Okay well bye guys! ~Cal 💙 (insert fridge emoji here)

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