Roof Top- Chapter 10

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This song had nothing to do with the chapter I just want some people to start listening to BTS so we can fangirl, or boy about how amazing and fucking hot they all are. I have one thing left to say before the chapter starts.... Jungkook IS SO FUCKING HOT HE'S ACTUALLY GOING TO KILL ME!!!! (He's the guy who was sitting on the bed and the lead dancer at the end). Okay I'm done On with the story~~~!!!!! 


Once I got out of the room I chose to take the stairs because I've had enough of feeling like potato. Let me just that was a big mistake. The roof so fucking long to get to. And by \so fucking long' I mean a whole 8 minutes. That's a long time okay! So by the time I got to there I was leaning over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. 

Once I felt a little better I made my way over to everyone. All their back were turned so they didn't see the whole out of breath thing. I heard someone chuckle behind me. I turned around and Craig was there, trying to hide his laughing. I guess it made it worse when I faced him because he looked even more amused. 

"Why are you laughing fucker?" I asked sounding a little irritated. 

"Nothing, nothing," He said still looking amused. 

"Is there something on my face? 'Cause you keep staring at it?" I said annoyed, since he didn't answer my question. 

"Well," He started off, "your face, is so fucking red, it would put my G-Mod player models hat to shame." He said referring to his usual Mario character. 

"Fuck you," I said shooting him a playful glare. "And thanks, for telling me. Even though you did it in a fairly mean way. Asshole." I said nudging him. 

"No problem. Dickhead." He said nudging me back.

I laughed a little a the exchange. I waited a little while till the redness in my face died down, and Craig stayed with me. So he was't as big of an ass as before. 

When we walked over we were greeted by everyone. Then everybody kind of broke off into their own little conversations. I ended up talking to David (Nogla) and Evan. At first we talked about a lot of random shit but after a while we got on to the topic of music. I learned that Evan actually made song remixes. He played one and it was actually really good. It was remix of Sorry (A/N I don't really like that type of music  but Evans remix for it so so good. I think it's still on his twitter if you wanna check it out). After he played it I remembered Nogla did some covers of songs. So we started talking about that. Then we got into a conversation about what kind of music we liked. I learned that Evan likes a little bit of rock and tecno, and David likes simpler acoustic music. Then they asked what kind of music I listened to. I told them I listen to (M/G Music Genre). They said they(Had/Hadn't) (It depends if what you listen to is mainstream or not) listen to it. So I played one them one of my favourite songs. They both said it was pretty good. David even said he might do a cover of it (If the song has lyrics). 

We started talking about a lot of other stuff, like what games we grew up with. The games they grew up with weren't a whole lot different then  the games I grew up with, but the were a few I hadn't hear of, and there were some I grew up with that they had't heard of. 

Half way through our conversation about video games we heard a big splash come from the right of us. When we looked over we saw a drenched Anthony in the small pool and Tyler, Scotty (Idk if that's how 407 spells his name but I'm just gunna go with it), and Craig, dying of laughter at the edge of the pool. Evan, David, and I all looked at each other then nodded. 

We walked to the pool and made it look like we were just going over there to sit down on some of the chairs near there. Scotty, Craig, and Tyler didn't really pay that much attention to us. Anthony on the other hand made eye contact with me so I put my finger up to my lips making the 'be quiet' symbol. He made a slight nod back. As soon as we were behind the three of them we charged at their backs and pushed them in. I pushed Craig in, Evan got Tyler and David pushed Scotty. What I didn't realize though is that I wasn't walking away from the pool I was falling backwards toward the pool. At the last possible second I took in a huge inhale of air and held my breath. I then heard the sound of my body come in contact with the water and then I was submerged.

Once I felt my feet make contact with the bottom of the pool I pushed off of it toward the top. When I got my head out of the water I was greeted with laughter. I looked up to where Evan and David were and saw them laughing as well. So, me being the nice person I am decided that they looked like they needed to be refreshed. So I grabbed both of their ankels and pulled. Both of them looked at each other with shocked expressions and fell in making huge splashes. 

When they surfaced they both tried to splash me but ended up splashing Tyler, who was behind me, 'cause I ducked. Tyler turned around a looked at Craig, thinking he splashed him so he splashed Craig. Which created an all out splashing war. 

Half an hour of splashing later we all got really tired so we all decided to get out and try to find some towels or something we could use to dry ourselves. We searched for awhile but came up with nothing. No one had any ideas on how we were going to get dry until...

"Hey (Y/N)? Isn't Aspen in your room?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, but she's asleep." I said.

"Can you please call her and ask if she can bring us towels?" Tyler asked again.

"I don't know if she'll wake up but I can try." I said looking for my phone that I thankfully left on the table near where Evan, David, and I were talking.

I called a couple times and thankfully someone picked up... 


Okay since you guys have been AMAZINGLY patient I have decided to post this chapter earlier then I was planning to. AND I might also have one out this week end as well. I'm going to try to make these chapters longer. I hope you guys like the longer ones. This chapter was... 1173 words. So question do you guys want longer chapter that I will try to post every week? Or short chapters twice every week?  Ilygsm and I will work on the chapter for this weekend tomorrow. ~Cal/Elise 💙💙💙 *Insert fridge emoji here*

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