Chapter 8 - twitter

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I'm guessing I got maybe  2 hours of sleep before Aspen barged through the door. "Hey." I said my voice a little groggy. "What the fuck do you mean 'Hey'!?!? We've all been looking for you! Then once we find you all you say is'Hey'?!?!?" She whisper yells at me. At least Aspen is some-what polite to the people in the rooms beside us. "Well I did just fucking wake up Aspen!" I said getting a little pissed at her comment. She of all people should know not to wake me up by yelling in my face. I rub my eyes and look around seeing everyone either sitting on Aspen's bed or standing and talking. "Hey guy's" I say stretching my arms and popping my back. 

I slide the duvet off my legs and sit on the side of the bed. They all realize I'm awake and ask if I'm okay. Being the person I am, and not wanting people to worry about me I, just say that I'm fine. 

---------------------- Time skip brought to you by Ohm saying SON OF A DICK!!!!---------------------

After awhile all the guys left. And it was just me and Aspen. Time to prepare to be interrogated...


Well I updated! I will really try to make longer chapters for you guys. I really hate reading short chapters so I know how you guys feel with all my shrinky dink chapters. 

But Im thinking about  making a YouTube channel. So if you guys would like to see what I look like or just want to get to know me tell me if I should make one. I could probably do a video every Friday. I just want to be there for you guys who need it. But yeah so if you feel like I should make one comment a username I should use. - Cal *Insert fridge emoji here* 

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