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Hey guys, I won't be posting anything on this story for awhile. There's just alot of family issuse that have been happening in the past couple months. I'm really really really sorry. All the family stuff has made me feel more drained and depressed. But if you guys want to know what is going on in my life and why I won't be posting, I will be making a public journel, so if you guys are having the same issues as I am then maybe we could be there for each other. I just thought you guys deserved an explanation 'casue you guys are literally the best, and everytime one of you votes for one of my chapters or adds this dumb ass story to a reading list it makes me feel something other then sad. But enough of that depressing shit, you guys are awesome, and I'm not just saying that, if I met any of you guys irl I would give you a HUGE hug to say thank you. Anyways I'll let you guys enjoy your remaining week off, if you have it off. And yeah Bye guys~! 

~Cal/Elise ♥ *insert fridge emoji here*  

P.s the song above is just a song that has been helping me and I really like it, you guys can listen to it or not I just wanted to put it here so it might help some of you~! ♥♥♥

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