Chapter 6- Pax (part 3)

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I'm sorry!!! Yes I know I suck but I've been stressed with school work cause we got our progress reports on Thursday... and I'm failing English!!! YAY!!! I want to kill myself 😒 Anyways... HOLY SHIT A NEW CHAPTER!! Okay anyways enough of this authors note and on with the chappie!!!!!
Here we go! I thought. As soon as I said that my name was called and a really buff guy told me to head out onto the stage. I took my seat next to Anthony, who gave me a small reassuring smile. I guess I looked nervous.

Then the sound of screaming filled my ears. It's probably for Evan. I thought. And yep it was as soon as he stepped foot from behind the curtain his fans went crazy. He waved to crowd and took his seat next to me.

Then everyone else was called, and the questions began. Most of the question were for Evan but every once and a while the other guys would get asked one. So far I hadn't been asked any. And I was TOTALLY fine with that. Then out of now where someone said they had a question for me! Great time to make fool out of myself in front of hundreds of people. I thought.

The person that had a question for me was a girl. She looked about 15-16 somewhere around that age. "What does it feel like to go from only a couple hundred people to know who your are, to now where more then a million people know you?" And with that she walked off the stage. Say something smart (Y/n)! You can do this! "Umm I don't really know how to describe it. It's kinda weird and AMAZING at the same time!" I said exaggerating AMAZING.

5 minute past and I got another question. This time it was from a guy. He looked about early 20's same age as us. "So (Y/n), ummm, which one of the guys did you have to sleep with to be In their videos? You're not that funny so I cant imagine one of them asking you to just join." He said laughing a little with a smirk on his face. I guess my face showed how shocked I was because this fuckers smirk grew if that was even possible. I put my head down. And I guess people took that as a sign that I did sleep with o e of them, because the silence was soon filled with murmurs and whispering. I saw Evan and Anthony look at me from the corner of my eye. Their face seem to be say in 'sorry'. Then I heard Tyler call for security and say that the panel was over. I quickly stood up and walked off stage and out of the building.

I started walking in a random direction and soon ended up at the hotel. I felt my phone go off but ignored it. It was probably twitter blowing up because of that ass hat.

I was think about making this a drama free book but nah mate. you gotta have some or it will be boring! Anyways if I get bored tomorrow at my friends house during thanksgiving I'll write more! But anyways thank you guy for reading this book idk why you do though cause it sucks but anyways I'll leave now! Okay bye my little fridges stay chill~ Cal 💙 ( if there was a fridge emoji I would put it here but there isn't rip)

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