Chapter 5- Pax (part 2)

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Quick A/N holy shit thank you guys so much for 230 fucking reads!!!!!! I'm really sorry I haven't updated but I am now and I might tomorrow!!! 😄😄😄 any ways thanks and... ON WITH THE STORY!

I woke up to Aspen's face two inches away from mine screaming at me we woke up late. " (Y/n) wake the fuck up or, every one will leave with out us!" I quickly jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I then proceeded to get in the shower. It took me about 5 minutes to shower (thank god). I then use the shitty hotel hairdryer. Which almost set my hair on fire. Got my makeup bag ( if you don't wear makeup ignore this) applied all I needed to and shot out of the bathroom. I put on black jeans, (f/c) ( favourite colour) converes, a (f/c) shirt, and my Vanoss limited sweater ( my fav sweater btw). Took one last look in the mirror near the door and rushed to the lobby.

Once Aspen and I got there we saw all the guys. We said our 'hello's' and got in the über that Even thank fully called. It's a good thing it was big enough for all of us.

The car ride was only 10 minutes so we got there right on time. A lady showed us where our panel would be and told us the order we would be called out in. First Lui, then Nogla, Tyler, Anthony, Me, Even, Brian, Craig, and finally, Brock.

For the next hour we hung out back stage, played on the Xbox that was back there and, joked around. Then it was time. Time for the first time you would ever get to put a face to all the viewers and subscribers. Every one before me was called out. Here we go. I thought.

Oooooh cliffhanger! I'm sorry I'll update tomorrow... Maybe... I'll try to cause I gots geography home work. BLAME MY TEACHERS NOT ME!!! Okay well I hope you enjoyed and yeah... Bai! And yes I know this chapter is short as fuck but I'll try to make the next one longer! 😊

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