Chapter 2-Meeting The Crew

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(A/N Lol the chapter tittle rhymes)

You finally finished editing the QnA with Aspen. "Finally! It is done!" You said kind of sound like a mad scientist proud of their creation. "Now I only have to wait another hour for it to upload" 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Ohm's giant bunny head~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once the video uploaded you tweeted the video out. And noticed that you gained a lot more followers (2000 to be exact). You quickly opened a new tab and went on YouTube. "Oh. My. Fucking. God. 700,000 subscribers!" You screamed the last part, thank god Aspen went out to get groceries. Your phone went off and you jumped a little at the noise (Your ringtone is Nogla saying "Get in me van") You picked up your phone and it was a message on twitter (A/N I'm sorry I'm using twitter so much :/) It said...

(A/N V is for Evan if it wasn't obvious enough and Y is for you! =3)

V- Just watched your video, it's cool how long you and your roommate have been friends for. 

                                                                                                                                                                       Thanks! -Y

V- Well me and the guys are going to record soon and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us? 

                                                                                                                                      That would be amazing! -Y

V- Well We're going to need your skype name 

                                                                                                                                            Oh right! Here (Y/S/N) -Y 

You opened your skype and saw request from Vanoss, Delirious, Nogla, Moo, and Wildcat. You accepted all of them. And soon got a call from Vanoss. "Hey" Vanoss and Delirious said in unison. "Hi" You said back. Everyone else said their hellos and you said hello back. "Okay, so what are we going to play?" Tyler (Wildcat) asked. "We should play a horror map" Evan suggested. "Okay" You all replied. After you guys finally found a horror map you joined the game. After about 2 hours of being completely lost on what to do, you finally finished. "That was horrifying" You said sarcastically. "I know right" Moo/Brock said Chuckling. "I think I'm gunna go to bed" Nogla said while yawning. "Yeah I gotta go to" You said. "Okay well, bye guys" Tyler said. "Bye!" You said and left the call. 'Wow 2 Am already' You thought. "Hopefully I get to play with them again" You said to yourself while climbing into bed. You fell asleep thinking about all the games you all would play if their fans liked you.


Hello I'm sorry I know I suck at writing, but Ill try to update twice a day before school starts. Which only gives me about 2 weeks to do. I feel like I'm going to get a lot of writers block while writing this. Oh well I hope you guys will understand if I do. I'm also going to be going into high school this year so I might not be able to update that much because of homework. I might also (After this one) work on a CalFreezy X Reader because I love Cal as you can tell with my name. Oh one more thin before I go you guys should put in the comment which one of Evan's friends are you most like and who is your favourite! Evan Tyler and Jonathan (Delirious) are all tried for me. Well anyways Bye! I will see you beautiful people in the next chapter! Also (I know this is super long) what do you guys want me to call you? Okay now I'll go! Bye!!!



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