Chapter 4-

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(A/N Thank you for 27 reads! This has made my day! =3) 

It's been 2 months since the guy's asked you to if you wanted to help make the game. You all finally decided on a name that everyone agrees on Dead Realm. And in those 2 months you've met more people, and have become friends with some of the ones closest to the guys. You also drew up a couple ideas for ghost models. You were really excited  to see what thought about the game, not only were you excited about that but, Pax was coming up! And most of the guys were going. So you could finally meet in person. While you were thinking about all the people and fans you would meet your phone went off. 

Evan> Okay since we're all going to pax (other then delirious) we should all stay in the same hotel 

Tyler> Sure that would be cool 

Brock> Yeah I'm fine with it

David> Okay sure 

All of the guys agreed to it. Now they were waiting for you. (Btw David is Nogla's real name)

                                                                                                                                                          Okay sure! <(Y/N) 

Evan> Okay sweet Ill look for a hotel 

Yes I know this chapter was short but the next chapter will be longer because its going to be about going to Pax. Also here are the options for the character you create with Delirious or Vanoss. Delirious: Baby William (The baby in the game) Vanoss: The wolfman. So vote in the comment and I will putt that in one of the chapters. Once again thank you for 27 reads! =3 Okay Imma go now bai! ^-^ X3 - Cal/Random person who has spent their whole summer in their room (Im not lying.  And yes I know I'm sad)

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