Chapter 9- Explanation

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I'm back guys. So let's get into deh story. Oh btw F/M means favourite movie and F/F means favourite food. 



After awhile all the guys left. And it was just me and Aspen. Time to prepare to be interrogated.  


I was sitting on my bed staring at everything but Aspen. It didn't work to well considering i could still see her out the corner of my eye no matter where I looked. I finally decided to look down at my hands. That way I couldn't see her as well.   

While I was playing with my fingers, I felt the mattress dip beside me. I looked up and Aspen was sitting beside me, just looking at me. 

"Why are you just staring at me?" I asked

"Y/N you're not 'fine'. I know you" She said still looking at me. 

When she said that I looked down at my hands again. I heard Aspen sigh. 

"All the stuff those comments or tweets have called you, you're not." She said while getting up. 

"Asp, I know that. It's just I can't believe people would think I slept with one of them!" I said. 

"I know people are asshole but- This is going to sound harsh by the way. You're going to have to get over it. Just ignore all of them. It's the internet Y/N. People get over this really fucking fast if you give them some time." Aspen said while getting some pajamas. "Well I'm going to go change into these," She said and lifted up her pajamas."and if you want to talk or watch a movie or something after this we can." Once she finished talking she closed the bathroom door and I heard a faint click sound meaning she locked it. 

While Aspen was in the bathroom I changed into some sweatpants and a random t-shirt. When Aspen came out of the bathroom we decided to watch F/M. Just before the movie started Aspen came up with the great idea to  order room service. We gorged ourselves on F/F. After the little movie marathon thing Aspen went to her own bed (You guys were sitting on your bed). As soon as her head hit the pillow she past out. 'I guess looking for me did a number on her' . I tried falling asleep but I couldn't so I sat up and looked out the window. It was really peaceful to see all the cars driving down the street and the people just walking around. after a couple minutes i heard my phone go off it was a text from Evan. 

E=Evan  F/L= You/First letter of your name. 

E- Hey, the guys some of they're girlfriends and I are going to hangout on the roof. Wanna come with us? 

I looked over at Aspen. It didn't look like she was going to wake up anytime soon. I answer Evan back saying I would go, then wrote a little note for Aspen just encase she woke up. After I did that I put on some jeans and a F/C shirt and headed out the door. 


I'm really sorry if these chapters aren't as long as you guys want them to be, I'm really trying to put as much detail as I can in them without it being to much. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did you should totally vote for this chapter wink, wink, nudge, nudge, cough, cough. You guys should also tell your friends about this story because it's so close to 1000 reads. Okay well I'm going to go because I have some Supernatural to watch. I hope you guys have and amazing night or day depending on when you're reading this. Bye guys ~Cal/Elise 💙💙💙 *Insert fridge emoji here*  

ONE LAST THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you guys think I should change this into an XReader, please, please, please, comment who out of the guys you want to be the main interest. And guys please comment don't leave me hanging cause I don't want this to turn into a story you won't read. Thank you~!!!!! 

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