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The thing about single mothers is this...Most people think its something that they choose.  Some do. Some choose to leave and be on there own with their children.  But others don't have the choose. Some need to be strong and push it through. Some have no choose but to move forward for themselves and for there children.  But having a father is just as important as having a mother. #awareness


I tossed another bundle of hay over my shoulder  into Ivory's stall, cleaning out after our long morning of riding.  She was swatting me with her tail, but I just got on with cleaning up and started to brush her down.

Peyton was in her swing in the middle of the barn jumping on her feet while Lucas played around her outlining her feet with chalk and talking about how he couldn't wait to start school in august. He was going to make tons of friends, and then when she was old enough he would bring her along.

It amazed me how invested he was in her.  How he just talked and talked to her like there was no tomorrow and never got board of it.  He even feed her a few times this week and I wondered where my little man had gone.  From jumping off the top rafter of the barn to sitting and drawing with her...

I guess it could get lonely for a boy of his age with no other kids around.  But I always hired work around here and they would bring their children with them.  I guess this was just different.  The cracked floor of the barn was riddled with hay that I knew I would have to sweep away, but not after taking care of the other horses, and we had a total of three at the moment.

Mine, Ivory.  Lucas's, Cowboy (Yes, he named his Cowboy) and my mother's Rosa.  She was a painted lady while Ivory and Cowboy were solid stallions. Ivory had a white coat speckled with black around her nose while Cowboy was dark like the midnight sky. Gleaming blue in the light.  They were beautiful and one of our meager sources of income here on the ranch.  I taught people to ride if they were able to gain the horses trust while helping out.

Patting Ivory's nose I leaned my head on hers and watched the children.  Everything had changed so fast, but it also felt like nothing had ever changed.  It was very nice to watch.  

Nipping lightly at my hand I took a apple out of my pocket and placed it in front of her.

"What am I going to do huh?"  I blew into her nose and closed her stall.  "Hunny?" I shouted over my shoulder, gaining Lucas's attention. 

"Yes mama?"  Lucas was focused on trying to get blue on her toes while she squealed and bounced up and down. 

"Can you run to the house and ask Gran to bring us some lemonade?  Maybe a few sandwiches?  Its getting hot don't you think?"  Smiling he agreed and headed out in a rush.  I wished I had his energy.  It was like he had double AA that just wouldn't run out.

Chuckling to myself I picked my little minion up and started to dance her around the barn.  I had forgotten I had the radio on so I turned it up and we giggled with each other as I spoon in circles on my boots.

I was surprised though when I saw Lucas running back in with wide eyes. His face pale.

"Baby? Baby you okay? What's wrong?"  I knelt down and met him head on, stopping mid twirl. 

"I'm sorry mama.  I did take the cookie last night when you told me not too.  I didn't wash my ears, a-and I skipped flossing!"  I laughed lightly and cupped his head in my free arm.

"What on earth are you talkin about?"  He swallowed and looked back to the door.

"The said he would take me...I thought he was here to take me if I didn't tell you what I said I did but didn't."

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