Forty One

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There is a lesson to learn in every life. 

In mine.  

It was how to actually live.

Up on the latter I was hammering in the nails for the formation of the new barn.  Keeping concentration would have been an ideal thing to do, but I couldn't help but look around and watch everyone else I had come to love.

Lucas and Peyton were in the field, rolling in the grass.  I could tell that Lucas was helping Peyton walk around, but the little girl just wanted to run.  I wanted to laugh each time she fell, but knew better.  She would get a hold of it sooner or later.  I fitted the next nail and fixed the post up right.

Whipping the sweat off my forehead and around my neck I went down the later.  The first stage was done, and I was willing to take a break.

"You know...I could have had someone come and build it professionally."  I didn't have to turn to know Harper was behind me.  I could tell by the sweet smell of Honey and Roses that drifted my way, and the way her voice sounded rounding the corner.  I cleared my throat as I faced her.

"That is true, but how else will I learn?"  Harper's smile was as bright as the day.  My stomach going into a fit of flips just looking at her.  She was in a light yellow summer dress, which contrasted to her boots, as she led Ivory into the stables we had set.  She was walking firmly, but the splints on her front legs still left the reminder.

"You're a city boy Mondragon. Hard labor was something I didn't think I'd ever see you do willingly."  She was teasing me.

"I guess everyone can make exceptions." As she let her loose I wrapped my arms up around her and put my lips to her neck.  I was never going to get tired of this.

It had been several months sense Harper excepted my proposal, sense Jimmy went to prison (out of state thank you God), and Ivory was brought back to us in good health.  Cowboy was more then happy to see her, and hadn't left her side sense then.  Witch is why Ivory was now bigger around the midsection. Cowboy was a protective father.

We had no idea that Ivory was pregnant, or that she almost lost the little thing before we even knew.  The Vet was happy to announce the news that she would be in full health by the end of they year, but it was still a shocker as well when he asked if Harper had been giving her vitamins. 

She relaxed into me as we leaned over the bars. Rosa was netting Ivory, but Cowboy was still there, watching over her.

"It's amazing what can happen in such a short period of time, don't you think?"  I ran my check over hers, the smile on her face prominent. 

"Yes."  I held her tighter to me.  "To think you could be anywhere but here right now makes me want to throw a fit." She let out a low chuckle and turned to watch the children.

Her mother, Lilly, had come out onto the porch carrying snakes.  Lucas picked Peyton up and swung her legs around him so that he could run them to it faster, but misjudged his footing.  This time I couldn't help but laugh as the squeals and thumps met my ears.  He was the strongest little man I thought I'd ever meet. 

"Caleb!"  Lilly was waving me down from the porch, but I didn't want to move..

"You better go, being summoned by the mighty mother in law."  I chuckled again.

"Yeah, but I wanna hold you.  It can wait."

"No, I don't want to hear it.  Because then not only will I be hounded by her, but so will you. So come on."  Pulling away from me she took my hand in hers.

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