Twenty Nine

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Hey guys! So life has been busy with school starting and the kids and everything, I hope you don't mind my random times of uploads! I will still upload every week, just not sure which day it'll be lol

Muah! Thank you everyone for your support!


The little things - Chase Rise "All she needs, are the little things"


Lying awake that night Harper rolled onto her side, her arm over my torso.  Her light breathing was soothing, but it was something entirely different then what I was used too.

I couldn't remember the last time I slept in a bed with a woman, and not get a little dirty.  I couldn't remember if I ever had when I thought about it.  Running my hand through her hair she moved in closer and the sigh she let out let me know that I was doing something right.

Sleeping was just beyond me.

Couldn't close my eyes for more then a few seconds without images of Jimmy coming to take Lucas.

Ever sense I checked out from my hotel earlier that day I was a little more at ease, but I had a feeling this was just the beginning.  Tomorrow I would face him.  I would face Jimmy with everything that I had against him, letting him know that I was the one to put him behind bars.  And if I was lucky, I would keep him there.

Skimming my fingers over her arm I gently slid out from under her hold.  Letting my feet touch the cool floor I looked over the crib that held an awkward sleeping Peyton, her bottle half way in and half way out of her mouth.

I took it out and sat it on the side table, watching her chest move up and down.

She wasn't just Harper's now...but mine.  Lucas was mine.  I saw him as part of my life and I wanted to be there if he would let me.  I wanted to be his dragon...and looking back over at his mother, I thought that I wanted to be hers completely.

Finally admitting that we were an item was one thing, but to show it to the world was a completely different story.

Making my way down stairs I stopped and listened.

The TV was on...low, but still on.

Walking lightly I brushed my hair back out of my eyes and rounded the corner to find Lilly, half asleep on the couch.

"Lilly?"  I said in a light whisper.  "I thought everyone was in bed."  She jumped and laughed at herself for doing so, but then patted the seat next to her.

"This old lady couldn't sleep a wink upstairs."  Sitting next to her I patted her hand.

"I know the feeling."  A rerun of Friends was playing on the TV and for a few moments we sat there in silence.

"How is it that we were so lucky that you came into your lives?"  She still had her eyes to the screen, but her features showed that she was deep in thought, not even paying attention in fact.  "To know that you had come to defend a man like him...and then to just stop everything the way you had..."

"I fell in love.  With your daughter.  I knew there was something about her the moment I saw her holding Peyton in the Police Station.  I didn't..I didn't think it would have been love-I..."  I trailed off trying to tell her.  How would she react if she knew I just wanted a one night stand?

"I told her to have fun."  Shocked I focused on her to find her watching me.


"You wanted to have her.   You did.  She did."  She sighed, placing a fragile hand over her temple. "She told me about you when she came back from the station. Peyton in tow, and I knew, I just knew she liked the way you looked.  And then, you showed up to see her, like BOOM!"  She laughed and leaned into me, seeing my shock.  "Chemistry works in funny ways honey.  I wanted her to have some fun, for she never dose anymore.  You both wanted the same thing and it ended up drawing you two together..."  She looked back to the screen.  "Hence my, we are lucky to have you in our lives."

Lilly admitting that Harper had also wanted me in the way I wanted her should've made me angry, but, it actually made me glad.  It made me feel that what we had could actually be made into something great.  And not just a once in a life time thing.


Walking into the office the next morning, coffee in one hand and files in the other I sat on the bolted chair that had been mine for several weeks after my arrival.  It felt stiff, cold to the touch, but a reminder of why I was here.  I drifted from it, and I was now forced back into reality.

Reading over what I had set up I waited for the clock to move forward.  I had only a few minutes before Jimmy came in for questioning, and to discover who would be taking the other end of his case.

I wanted to get ride of him.  

Realizing that dealing with him to do so was the only course I sat straight and waited.  I was never a coward, I wouldn't start now.  

I thought about Lucas.  

I was going to get through this thinking about him and the look on his face when I saved him yesterday from the fear of being taken away.  I was going to have to teach him about a few things when I got bac-

The door creaked open and a formidable voice met my ears.


Stepping into the room he wore a white dress shirt and black slacks, his hair tousled. I could tell he hadn't slept well, for the bags under his eyes were drooping.  I wanted to smile seeing him in this state, but thought otherwise.  I kept my features straight as his eyes landed on me.

"Mondragon?"  He started to laugh.  "Oh, this is to good...isn't it illegal to swap sides in the middle?"  I asked for him to sit, and he did.

"Do you have your attorney present?" He stared at me blankly as I started to pull a few papers out.

"Do I need him?"

"I will be asking you a series of questions.  Not relying on the case in front of me.  But about your life Jimmy.  The case is for the sheriff to under go.  But what ever you say, can and will be held against you in the court of law."  The few papers I held out were written up by myself, Sheriff Jason Mitchell, and Harper Jhonson.

Taking them and reading them over he slammed them onto the desk.

"What is this?!"  The fire in his eyes reverberated off of his skin as he stood. 

"A restraining order, agreements for custody to be remembered, Child support, Late Alimony."  His face beet red he flung the papers over the table and stomped to the door.  Yanking it open he ordered someone to get there ass in here.  I leaned back in my chair and watched.

I watched as Luis Carper stepped through the door in a suit in tie.

You had got to be kidding me.

"Hows it been Caleb.  Ribs healed up yet?"

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