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The next evening came faster then I could have ever imagined.  My day flew by and, it was pleasant.  I was excited to see Caleb, and not just so that I could stand and look at him. But so he can have the time with Peyton he had wanted.  It had been a while now, and I knew just from seeing them in the barn together that he had a soft spot for the little girl. I couldn't deny him the pleasure while he's here in Georgia. 

Lucas was making it difficult getting dressed for he didn't know which jacket he wanted, and kept running away when I came at him with his sneakers.  Cornering him and promising him cotton candy I finally got his shoes on and we headed out in a rush.  I didn't wanna run anymore late then we already were.  I had offered my horses help in the fair and getting them up and in the truck earlier in the day had been a struggle. 

My mother was in the passenger seat and was talking up a storm in my ear, her smile as bored as her face would allow, on our way out .  She didn't get out of the house to much, so this was a change, and she was planning on having fun.  I hopped we were all going to have fun.

"Will the dragon be there?"  Lucas's questions surprised me, but I should have been expecting it. His little eyes probing me from the back seat.

"He will be baby, but no need to worry, he's nicer then we thought he was." My mother answered.  I agreed with her and saw his little face screw up in thought in my review mirror.

"Will he play games with me?" That surprised me and I laughed.

"Maybe.  You should ask him to play with you when you see something you like, he might just say yes."

"Mhmm."  My mother winked at me and I wanted to swat her, but kept from it.  She was only teasing after all.  Peyton started whining in her seat then and I reached behind to tickle her toes.  We had learned early on that she wasn't one for long car rides.

Pulling up outside the gates Lucas started jumping up and down, and practically wrestled me out of the truck.  We hadn't even entered the fair yet and he was all smiles.

We walked along the path, having to juggle Peyton and manage Lucas at the same time.  It was always an adventure with children.

"Oh, babe, look who's waiting for you."  Turning I looked over to where my mother was pointing.  I could have sworn my body picked up in temperature just from seeing him standing there.  And he wasn't wearing a suit.  He wore low hung faded jeans and a white t-shirt.  It clung to his broad shoulders, and the sun glasses that he wore gave him the James Dean look.  Definitely not country, but hella sexy. 

My surprise must have been etched onto my face, for his smile grew as he came closer.

"Why hello ladies."  He smiled at my mother, and then waved at Lucas who had gone and hid behind my leg.  "Hey Lucas, its good to see you again."  His smile never fading as he leaned over.  "I was hopping that we can win a few games together, maybe win the girls some cool stuff. Maybe even get to know each other a little bit.  Don't want you hiding from me every time I come around." By now Lucas wasn't hiding behind my leg but standing in front of his Dragon, and taking his hand.

"That would be awesome!"  turning and leading the way, my mother and I were both in shock.  There he was, Caleb T. Mondragon, walking hand in hand with my son. I didn't know if the feelings I had running through me were good or bad, but definitely something I hadn't felt in a long time.  It escaped me, but as time started to pass I realized that Caleb was more then just an attorney to Jimmy, but a man with his own life.

After a few booths and a bucked of cotton candy Lucas was all but hanging over him and it made my heart hurt.  He never had a father figure, and I never wanted to go and impose someone to the role. And yet, Caleb just jumped into it without even being with me.  I was puzzled, but I tried to enjoy myself.

"Mom, can I go on the twirling monster with Caleb?"  Drawing me out of my thoughts I looked up and saw the ride he was asking for.  I had never been comfortable with rides like that. It swung from side to side, then went up and hung up upside down.  And the fact that this one went it circles was horrifying to me.

"That's something you would have to ask him love."

"I did. He said it was up to you sense your my mom."  Our eyes meeting, he had taken off the glasses and held Peyton in his arms.  She was placing the glasses over her eyes and laughing, but he didn't seem to care.  He watched me as I debated the option of letting my son on the ride.

"You have to buckle in. Hold his hand, and scream stop if you feel like its to much.  Got it?" He beamed up and me and then went over to him.  We traded off Peyton, his eyes never leaving mine, and headed for the line.

"Oh girl, you have it good don't you."  I sat on a stationed log and let out a long sigh.

"I don't know Ma.  I've been lost in thought almost all evenin."

"Oh I know.  We all know.  You haven't been responding to comments tossed your way or anything." Taking out a water bottle she handed it to me and I held it up to Peyton's mouth.  She gripped the bottle and started sucking on it.

"How about after this I start on heading back to the car with the kids?  It'll be bed time by the time we get home."

"Just you?"  She smiled, but we both froze as we heard Lucas's scream cut through the air.  They went over there first loop and I could see the terror and excitement written over his face.

"Yes, just me.  Go to the beer barn with the Dragon, have him drive you home."  I thought it over and what the possibilities could end up as. "Stop thinking and just do it!" My mother was laughing now at my stillness and took Peyton from my arms.  Putting her down in her stroller she started giving her small bites of chicken.

"Ah fine, I'll ask him."  Dusting off my cut off jeans and adjusting my light sweater I watched as they stumbled off of twirling monster.

"Mom! Did you see me? Did you see what I just did!?"  He was so excited, but a different shade of green.

"I did!  You were so brave."  Laughing he leaned over the log I had been sitting on and hiccuped.

"I don't feel good Mama."  I went over and started rubbing his back, knowing of what was to come.

"It's okay baby.  Next time we will wait until your stomach settles to go on a ride like that.  Sound like a good idea?"  He nodded and leaned into me.  "Your going to go home with Grandma now baby.  That okay with you?"

"You're not coming with us?"  His little voice made me want to go with him, but I knew my mother could handle them.

"I'm going to stay a little longer and talk with Mr. Mondragon."

"Oh, okay." He sounded disappointed but just stud up and gave me a little kiss.  Then he went over and hugged onto Caleb's legs.  The surprise that crossed his gorges face was replaced quickly though with a smile and he bent over and hugged him too.

"It was fun hangen with you little dude."

"Haha, you too Dragon."

After everyone said there goodbyes I found myself walking side by side with Caleb toward the beer barn.  We had barely spoken all evening, but now the sun was set, and the air chilled.  It was going to be a good evening.

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