Twenty Eight

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Hey guys! I know, I'm a few days late...sorry.. I truly am! So much in life just happened and I hadn't gotten around to it or kinda just past out instead of posting.

So here it is, 28.


I was cradling Lucas in my lap as Caleb drove down the pavement, being careful to watch for pot holes, but still exhilarating on the gas quite a bit.

Lucas was in shock, and as I stroked his hair I asked him questions. They came out stuttered, but after a while he calmed down and told me what had happend.

He was on his way out the door with one of his new friends when a man came around the corner and took his arm.  His friend hadn't noticed because he was already with his mom and waved over his shoulder, and his teacher was no where in sight.

He told him that he just wanted a moment to talk, saying that he was his father, daddy, and that he wanted to see him.  Lucas had been confused and said that he wasn't his daddy. His daddy didn't like him.  I could only imagine the face Jimmy would have given him...

But he went to say that he wanted to spend time with him, so he was going to take him home with him. Lucas had said no, and by then he told him that if he didn't stay there while he got his car...he would hurt mommy. 

Hurt me?

Jimmy would hurt me?

God...this was not the first day of school I had hopped for my lill man, it was just crul. Not just to him, but to me.  What did Jimmy want? Why would he suddenly want Lucas?

Fear gripped me as a thought came to mind...slapping it away quickly I made sure that Lucas was calm and starting to relax.

Caleb was on the phone, and now that I knew the story I was listing to the conversation on his end.

"Yes I know....don't say that you knew I would......didn't you just hear anything I just said?  I'm taking it.  That snake is going to jail....I will figure it out, but he crossed a line and there is no going back."

He was going to put Jimmy in jail?

Questions bombarded my brain, but before I could ask any of them I felt Lucas moving.  He put his head on Caleb's shoulder and wrapped his little hands around his bicep.

"Your my dragon Caleb. Thank you for saving me."  I wanted to cry.  Shocked himself, Caleb removed one arm from the wheel and wrapped it around him.

"I will always come for you lill man. No matter what it takes.  Nothing like that is ever going to happen again.  Not on my watch."  His jaw ticked and I could tell it affected him just as much as it had affected me.  This man truly did love me and my family...just as I found that I loved him.

I didn't know what I would do right now if he wasn't by my side, but as we got into the drive and found my mother waiting with a warm thoughts were all turned another way.

Handing over my clinging munchkin to Caleb I jumped out of my truck and got Peyton.  Rushing to my mother I ushered her into the kitchen while Caleb brought him upstairs. I could hear him asking if he wanted to watch a movie or play a game.

"Babe? Whats wrong? Why was Lucas so flustered?"  Taking her hand I sat her down at the table, handing her the cup of coffee I knew was for me.  She was going to need it.

"Ma, we have a very big problem...he came back."  She didn't know what I meant, but as I went on to explain what had happened and what I planned to do her face became grave.

"I knew he was a snake..."


"I know I know, at a time he wasn't.  But don't you see what he's doing to you Harper?  He just can't leave you alone!  After leaving you alone for over six years!"  My head dropped and I felt Peyton pull on the hair that fell.

Looking into her beautiful eyes, and seeing her small row of teeth through a smile I knew I had to be strong.  Not for myself.  But for my babies.

"I think Caleb is back on his case..."

"What!?"  My mother screamed and jumped out of her seat ready to head up to him.

"Ma! Wait!"  Pulling her back down Peyton giggled from being jostled around.  "I heard him talking in the car.  He said he was going to put him in jail."

Fanning herself she took the cup I had given her and took a long sip.  Calming down she put her hand to her chest.

"Well then...first things first.  Lucas...Lucas can't go back to school until this is settled."

"I know."  And it was going to break his little heart.  He had been looking forward to it for so long.  A scratch came form my lap as I saw my minion trying to reach the floor.  Putting her down she started to walk around on unsteady feet.  "In the morning I'm going to make a few calls...but, I don't know if I want to involve Jason.  He's already recently had a lot on him in town. I don't think he could afford the drive out here to get a statement."

"No need."  Turning, we both saw Caleb walking into the kitchen.  He was going to the fridge, and when I saw ice cream...I knew he was all about helping Lucas feel better.  "I already called and made a statement when I went up with mini man.  I'm staying.  I'm just going to have to get some things from my room."  He looked at me back over his shoulder, his eyes searing.  "That is, if your alright with it Harper."  I nodded being at a lose for words.

"Heck,"  My mother got up to join him, grabbing another bowl from the old cubbred, "Just check out.  Stay here."  Placing a hand on Caleb's my mothers eyes were frightened.  "Please.  Its not the same with out the old man here, Harper's father...god rest his soul...and this...this had got me frightened.  Not just for my grandson, but for my baby."

Meaning me.

He nodded with his hands full of ice cream.

"I will."  Heading back up he took the stairs two at a time.  I was wanting to follow, but knew I would ruin what ever bonding moment they were having...

"Baby."  My mothers eyes were watching me as I turned to her, making sure to usher the little one to the other side of the room where I knew that if she fell she wouldn't get hurt  I stood to face her.  "You need to keep that man...he cares for you so much."

"Not just me mama."  I reached out and wrapped my mother in a strong hug. " He cares about our family. You, me, and the kids....I plan to hold onto him as long as I can."  Squeezing me back we stood there for a few minutes.

"That's my girl."  Oh I loved my mother.

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