End Notes

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The book has come to a close! Has been finished for a moment, but as you know, I'm sorry, I take forever to go about and do such things lol

What an adventure it has been!

As says my little GIF down there you can tell how excited I am about it lol  I know I'm not the only one that's happy that its finished and you can just read it start to end. I know I'm like that on here.  I have these books I read, and have to wait and wait for a chapter and want to drown out and wait till its JUST done so I don't have to wait when it is lol  But yay!  Excitement!  Happy dance and accomplished squeal over here in a corner! 

  I have these books I read, and have to wait and wait for a chapter and want to drown out and wait till its JUST done so I don't have to wait when it is lol  But yay!  Excitement!  Happy dance and accomplished squeal over here in a corner! 

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- I'm not the best speller.  And most of you have barred with me on that lol, thank you. Thank you all xoxox

- You can only get better at what you love if you continue to do what you do.  Its a sandbox that you are putting your sand in until you can build your sand castle. (thought came to me while at the park with my chicklings) 

- I'm 25, My birthday was this past October and I finished Gone Country in September lol, so I finished this book by the age of 24.  Yay me!

- I'm a mother of 2, so my time, and making time skills are still put to work...constantly lol

- I'm an abide reader.  I read all the time, and most of the time here on Wattpad.  I love seeing what other people are coming up with and expecting the unexpected.   You never know what you will find here, and its one reason its the app that never leaves my phone.  According to some of my friends, shows how much of a nerd I truly am.  Be proud of yourself for being a dork!  Its the new cool. Trust me. lol

I've had a few questions thrown at me about the book

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I've had a few questions thrown at me about the book.  So here are the answers that you are looking for :) (not a lot of time, so I only answered a few)

- What inspired this story?

* Honestly, a country song. lol Just listening to Maddie and Tea on the radio one day, the song Fly.  I believe I stated that in the beginning chapters, but I will have to go back and see. I was driving on i25 and was like, well then.

- Did you write a plot?

*Nope, made it up as I went lol, its the best way to write sometimes.  Its always good to know whats coming, but if you know your characters, know their personalities, you can predict what they would do.  Don't hate the author for there actions.  As writers we are never truly sane for all the voices in our head.

- Will you read my story for me and tell me what you think?

*Yes! Definitely!  I am always more then happy to read everyone's work :)  Just let me know.

Always keep your mind open and keep moving forward.  I do have a plan for a PART TWO for this story, and am looking forward to sharing it with you.

I am working on several different pieces at the moment, and when they are up I will be more then happy to share with everyone.

Again, thank you everyone who has been a support or reader.  It means more to me then you all could possible know.  My family, friends and co-works, I owe it to you guys.


Jacky Out 

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