Thirty Three

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"I want this to all go away."  Harper's light whispers against my chest bringing me back from a blissful place, only to land me back into reality. 

"Hey,"  I say softly, brushing the hair away from her face, "this will all blow over."  We have court tomorrow, I remind myself, and take a deep breath, drawing her closer to me. 

We downed our cloths and retreated to the comfort of the couch. Cuddling up while the little ones started to wake. After having taken her in such an animalistic style on the side of the house I felt she needed to rest.  She hadn't slept, and knowing her, wouldn't, if I didn't make her.

So here we were, her head resting on my chest, while Peyton crawled up and down our bodies, Lucas watching a show, all while I stroked their mothers hair, trying to get her to sleep.

"I hope so.  I don't know if I can stand it much longer."  She chuckled softly, deep in her chest and let out a yawn.

"Go to sleep babe.  I got the babies."  Before she could protest I ran a hand down over her lips and locked eyes with her.  "You need your rest."  Letting out a sound of frustration she stretched like a lazy cat, while bouncing the little one giggling on her rump, and rested down onto me.  Her breasts molding to the curvature of my abs. 

Was definitely not the time to think about her naked, but with her body on mine my mind was wondering. Taking me to a place Id like to stay.  I had meant it when I had told her earlier that I didn't have her in that state enough for my liking. But what could I do?  Dating a mother was new to me. I couldn't just take her when ever I wanted.

But I reframed, watching Peyton crawl up her back. 

"Okay little girl.  I don't know if that would help your mom get any rest, so down you go."  Picking her up and placing a little kiss on her nose, I put her down, even with her protests, and watched as she went and sat on Lucas; who is more then happy about it, and let her. 

Until there was a knock on the door though, and Lucas got up to answer it.

"Maybe its about Ivory!"  Getting up, letting Harper slump onto the couch I went to go with him.

"Hey there body,"  I caught his arm to slow him down. "stranger danger bud.  I don't want you answering the door unless someones with you for a while.  Okay?"  I tried to be gentle about it, but I could see it fall on his face.  Lucas wanted things to be the same.  But with the barn, and with what happened at his school...I wasn't going to take anymore chances.  He slowed and let me answer the door.

"Jason?  Hey, we weren't expecting to see you until tomorrow."

"Yeah I know, I would have rather it stayed that way."  With a sad smile he took my hand in a firm shack. "Is it alright if I come in?"

"Yeah."  Removing his hat, Jason came in and looked around instead of coming into the kitchen for a pleasurable visit like he usually did. 

"Jason!"  Lilly came out with a bright smile, eyeing Harper, finally asleep on the sofa.  "Would you like a cup of coffee?  I just made a fresh pot a few minutes ago."  With a soft smile he hugged her.

"No Lilly, but thank you." Crossing his arms I mirror his stance. This wasn't a friendly visit.  His eyes on Harper told me everything.

"He's pressing charges."  Snapping his gaze away from Harper he looks between me and Lilly, and then to where the kids were playing.

"I have no choose but to take her in.  Bail will be $500." A sharp gasp comes from beside me as Lilly takes my arm.

"No."  Anger replacing her sadness quickly.  "No, you can't take her for that!  And for that price!?  You know that we can't spare that kind of money Jason!  He was the one to burn the barn! Hurt our poor..."  She cut off and backed off, knowing by my hand on hers that she would only upset Lucas, who had been listening, to also waking her daughter.  

Whispering she stepped closer.  "We know it was him.  Coming after our boy, reeking havoc, how can you not see that?"

"I do.  You don't think I don't know these things?"  Jason looked torn between a rock and a hard place.  "I love her, you, this whole family you have here Lilly, but I am also Sheriff, I can't do anything about it.  It is the law.  You have to wake her up..."

I watched their little squabble, backing up and taking my seat back were it had been beside Harper.  She had just gone to sleep...after a whole day and night of stress.  So much, and so much more was going to happen.  And god willing, I was going to get her through it.  She's a strong woman.  Stronger then she gives herself credit for.

Taking a deep and slow breath I brush my knuckles down her cheek.


"Huh?"  I can see that she's still asleep, but she takes my hand.

"I know I told you to go to sleep..but you have to wake up."  Her eyes bat open slightly.  "Jason is here."

Taking my hand she sits up as if she had never been asleep.

"Jason?"  She looks over to him as he comes tword us.  "Is Ivory alright?"

"She's fine...but Harper.."

"The snake of an Ex of yours filed charges Harper.  Jason is here to take you in."  Beating him to the bit Harper looks at me with her mouth slack. 


"You have to go with Jason to the station."  I run my knuckles down her cheek again as a single tear slides down her skin. "But don't worry babe.  You won't be in there for long."


Chapter 33 is finally up!

I hope you guys enjoy, even with the short snip bits.  But this story will be done by September.  I have it planned and hopping to have the whole thing out soon.  

Please no hate mail!  Yes things may not be going the way you wish for a Romance, but it is based on the real world.  SHIT HAPPENS! 

Love ya!

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