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Laying on the couch I could say I was more or less not comfortable, but not dying either.  It had felt like a ton of bull had rammed into my chest and I didn't want to move for the pain would come back...oh yeah, a ton of bull had run into my chest.  I thought as the moment flashed over my mind.

I had the horn firm in my grip and the bull bucked only a little bit realizing that we had him under restraint. Adrenaline ran through my veins and I couldn't describe what it felt like to hold place an animal of that size.  It had been incredible, up until Luis let go.  It had tried the bounds again, and stepping back I could tell he wasn't coming back.  I had to grab both and didn't even realize how wrong of an idea it had been.

Its eyes stared me down, making me its target, its breathing hitched...I could hear Lucas, but tried to stay calm.  Harper had run over to me in a rush of panic and tried to restrain one of the horns, drawing its gaze...but it had been fixed on me.  And it had me.

Harper told me that I was lucky not to have been screwed up like a shish kabob, the panic in her voice evident.  I believed it.  If it hadn't been for Jason's fast feet and thinking it would have come back for me while I was on the ground, on my back, in complete and utter agony.

I can't really remember all that happened after that, except being brought onto Ivory, Harper's arm firmly around my waist.  She had a nasty tongue when directed toward Luis, but that part I didn't mind.  The man could have killed me with his actions.  Jason road back with Lucas, keeping him as calm as one could a six year old boy.  I'm almost seven! He would have corrected me if Id spoken aloud.  The little man had truly come around to me.  And I was glad.

But now I was lying on the couch, Peyton bringing herself to a standing position next to me and walking along it.  She was making spit bubbles and jabbering at me with her little teethe smile, completely oblivious in what state I was in.

Lucas came from the kitchen then with a few bags of ice, his eyes puffy from crying.  The poor little man didn't need to see that the first time out in the field.  I found it awfully unfair.

"I hope this will help, I took all the ice out of the freezer."

"All of it?"

"All of it."  He sounded proud of himself then, and older...hadn't he just been complaining about bacon and what he was going to do with Cowboy later today?

"Thank you lill man."  His smile came back as he sat on the chair next to me.

"Your welcome Dragon"  I laughed but then clenched my teeth as pain rippled through me. Placing the giant ice bags on my chest I closed my eyes and focused on breathing.

But the peace was shortly lived as Lilly came in through the door followed by an EMT, her face compactly inflamed with rage, they had called for them, fearing that a drive to the hospital would make it worse.  And with the open door, also came Harper's booming voice.  I could picture her face with how her mothers was. Beat red.

"-ot only could you have killed him, but you could have gotten everyone else hurt!  It was Lucas's first time Luis.  His first time in the field with the cattle.  What would you have done if it had gone for Cowboy?  If he went flying?  Do you have any idea what I would have done to you!?" I saw as Lucas's face fell as he heard his mother's words.  He could have been hurt. Badly, but I was the one being poked and probed as I listened. 

"Hey, little man."  I said between gasps as the EMT jabbed at my ribs with a finger.  He came over to me sullen.


"How about you take Peyton upstairs to your room and play for a little while?  I'll come get you myself when everything's said and done."  He nodded and took his sister into his arms.  "And then we can have ice cream."

"Ice cream?"  His face lit up.  "I love ice cream!"

"Good."   I said with a smile.  "Cause I know I can get an endless amount in the hospital."  Dispite myself I felt the need to comfort Lucas, and I could see that I wasn't the only one.  Lilly's face was tear streaked as she watched him walk away.

"Thank you Caleb.  You didn't need to do that, but I'm so grateful that you did."

"That is no excuse Luis!  I don't want you to come back, your fired! - oh I don't care if you came to help, I don't want you back, you hear me?  I'll be surprised even if Caleb doesn't file char-"  Her voice died down again as Jason came in and closed the door.  He whistled low as he came over next to me.

"It's no problem Lilly."  I said after a moment of pain, "May seem strange, but I've always loved kids."  Her smile was reward enough for me.

"I'll go and make you something to drink before they take you."

"Thank you."  Heading off to the kitchen, her summer dress swishing behind her, Jason took her spot.

"Being the Sheriff Caleb...I'd say press charges.  He new what could have happened and he let it happen, more or less."  He had taken off his stetson and I could see that his hair was in such a mess.  Made me wonder what I looked like.  I made sure I was always put together, but now?  I couldn't even keep myself from grinding my teeth.

"I had a feeling the man didn't like me."  I tried to joke.  He shook his head and put a heavy hand on my bare shoulder.  They had stripped my shirt to see the damage done.

"When it comes to Harper..."  He trailed off for a moment.  "She was never the same after Jimmy, Caleb, and anyone can see that your the first that has truly caught her eye.  Even after years of trying to get to her Luis had made no progress.  Its a case of bitter jealousy.  Just let me know what I have to do."  He stood and put the stetson back onto his head.  "It was a good thing I was hear today, so much easier with paper work."  Winking at me we shared a nod of understanding.

"Alright."  Said the EMT tech, "If I'm correct, you have three broken rips and some eternal bruising.  Luckily nothing was punctured or ruptured by the impact."  I heard a sigh of relief from Lilly as she came back with some coffee, and then from Harper...from whom I didn't realize came inside.

Her hair was a mess and her eyes were wild.  The hazel in her eyes burning with a fire.  She was trying to calm herself, breathing in and out, but I could see it written all over her.  I wasn't the only one in pain.  Physically? Yes.  Mentally? No.

"Bad news is, is that there is nothing I can really do.  I will have to wrap your torso and bring you in, but the rest will be up to the doctors.  We just have to get the pain under control and get antibiotics under way."

"How long will he be in?"  Harper came up next to me, asking all the questions I should.

"I don't know ma'am, we just need to move him."  Sitting up, I took the cup from the table Lilly had brought me and drank it down.  They hadn't noticed that I was sitting, but when I started to stand I got protests.

"Sir, you need to lye down and let us move you, we can't have you pu-"

"You heard me talking to the child yes?"  He paused and looked at me stunned.

"Yes sir."

"Then you understand me."  I took a few steps keeping my breathing even. 

"Caleb, what are you doing?  We need to get  you into the ambulance."  She looked worried, but I just took her hand and squeezed.

"I told Lucas Id get him myself.  And that is what I'm going to do."


What a strong man, don't you think?  Id be screaming like a little baby at that point lol, not gritting my teeth and pressing on.

But hey! We've made it to chapter 16! woop woop!  What more can I ask for but all your support, thank you all so much.  Many many kisses on the cheek to you!

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