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Chapter 47

"Harry?" Victoire whispered despite herself.

"Uh, do I know you?"

"I have seen you in about 14 years. You were just a baby then." Victoire stood and stared at the boy "I'm sorry for staring, I just..." Victoire broke down crying. She hastily excused herself from the three boys and ran down the stairs. As she went, she heard one of the twins say to Harry "Good going mate, you made a girl cry by only saying five words. Must be a new record."

Victoire found herself in the sitting room of the house. On adjacent to the kitchen. She curled up on one of the couches.

She stayed like that until she heard people moving around out of the dining room. The Order members were beginning to leave or get ready for dinner. Among those leaving, she saw McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, and-

"Remus!" She called. He turned, shocked. His jaw dropped at the sight of her.

"V- Victoire?" He said in dibelief. Vic nodded. He moved towards her and hugged her. Vic almost laughed.

"I half thought you were going to hit me." She said. Remus gave her a funny look. "That's what Sirius did." Remus smiled.

"You being here," he lowered his voice "Are one of us going to die soon?" Vic bit her lip.

"We'll talk later she said." She forced a smile "Teddy is off who knows where looking for you. He promised to turn up by nightfall if he couldn't find you; could you keep an eye out for him, please?" Remus nodded and moved to the front of the house.

Sirius stood in front of her. "Can we talk?" Vic nodded. She rubbed at her eyes, still swollen and puffy from crying, and follow Sirius back into the room where she just was.

"How long has it been since you left 1981?" Sirius asked her at a low voice.

"Not even a day." Vic responded "I saw Harry and I broke down crying. He's grown so much."

"Kids tend to do that." Sirius grew very silent "Why did you leave?" He asked

"There was nothing more we could do."

"But Lily and James." Sirius leaned toward her "But Harry!"

"There are bigger forces at play, Sirius. There's more than just setting them in front of a firing squad and pulling the trigger myself." He saw Sirius' confused face "A muggle expression."

"How do you know so many muggle sayings? I thought you were a pureblood."

"Gramps is slightly obsessed with muggles and their words." Vic shrugged.

"Right, Arthur does love muggles."

"Look," Victoire shook her head "the point is, we didn't take the desicion lightly. There was nothing we could do."

"But you knew about Peter! You could have told us! You could have done something! Bull shit there was nothing you could do."

"Sirius, there are higher forces at play! It wasn't just us playing God! If we saved them, things would have ended up the same except for Harry would have gone right with them."

Sirius muttered something ineligible.

"Tell me about the others, what came of Marlene? Alice? Frank? Any word of Dorcas?"

"Marlene.... she- she commit suicide only days after you disappeared. Alice and Frank, they're in St. Mungo's. Bellatrix and her husband got to them. Dorcas is just gone. No word of her."

"A- Alice? And F- Frank?" Vic stuttered "No, that can't be. W- we sent them a letter. That was supposed to save them! They should have grown up with Neville and lived a happy life with their minds in tact!"

"Vic, where's Teddy?" Sirius put his hand on her shoulder "He's here to inn't he?" Vic nodded wordlessly. As if in cue, the portrait of the late Mrs. Black started wailing at the top of her lungs. "That's my mother." Sirius tried to explain, but Vic just nodded again.

"Sirius!" Remus' voice called over the wailing and shouting "Victoire!" The two jumped up off the couch and hurried to the front of the house. They saw Remus standing in the foyer in front of a boy, around 20 years of age, with bright green hair.

"The second half to the happy couple." Sirius smiled as Vic and Teddy hugged. He then gave Teddy a hug himself. "I'd better go let Molly know about you two staying for dinner. The next couple dinners?" He phrased it like a question. Vic and Teddy just smiled and nodded. Sirius grinned and made his way to the kitchen.

"Molly! I have great news!" He called. A tired and over worked Molly Weasley showed her face.

"What is it Sirius? I've got lots to do here." She said with a sigh.

"Er, would it be alright if two more were to join us for dinner? The next couple dinners?"

"Sure." Molly said "What food do they like?"

"I'm sure they be happy with whatever you're cooking." Sirius smiled and Molly managed a forced one herself. The man walked off and back to the time travelers "Great news, you're in."

"Thanks Sirius."

"You sure you're up for this?" The three men asked Vic in turn "Back around... all these people again? So soon?"

"I'll be fine as long as my mind doesn't dwell on it." Vic insisted "Now, I would love to have some of Molly's cooking so if you'll excuse me."

(A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -Jul)

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