The Dream That Turned Into A Nightmare- Chapter 2

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Zayn we can't do this." I said.

"They don't have to know." Zayn said.

I sat there aminute. "Zayn we can't control our selves the smell of their blood will drive us crazy."

"Liam we can control this." Zayn said, "Plus we can't cance; on two beautiful girls."

"Zayn we could but we shouldn't." I said. I got up and put on my best suite. Zayn did the same. Zayn was on the phone when he came down stairs.

"We are on our way." Zayn looked at me, "Ready?"

"Yes. I hope these two are the ones." I said.

"Well if we don't drive then they wont be." Zayn said grabbing the keys Liam forgot to grab.

"Sorry I just have my minds wrapped around things." I said. "You should drive."

"Forget them and forget the other boys." Zayn said. "They lost us we didn't lose them." Zayn said getting in the car I got in the passagers seat.

"Let's just go." I said. We picked the girls up. I got in the back with Brianna. The ride was silent.

"We're here." Zayn said looking back at Liam. He mouthed "come to the bathroom with me." We all got out of the car.

"We will be back." I said walking to the bathroom with Zayn.

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