The Dream That Turned Into A Nightmare- Chapter 5

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Amber's P.O.V.

Once again I woke up before everyone else. I looked beside me and Zayn was still here. That means Liam was cuddling with Brianna. I got out of bed and went down stairs. No need to be rude we do have guest. I started making breakfast. Brianna came down five minutes later. "Smells good." Brianna said sitting up the place at the table.

"Set Liam and Zayn a place too." I said with a lump in my throat.

"Why? Shouldn't they be leaving?" Brianna asked with a worried looked.

"They should but we can't be rude they did stay here." I said.

"Urg! Fine." Brianna knew I was right again. She got two more plates forks and cups.

"Can you finish up the pancakes I'll go wake the boys up." I said. Brianna walked over to the stove and started to finish breakfast. I ran upstairs and went into Brianna's room first. Liam was laying there peacefuly on her bed. Dang we are so stupid. I walked over to him and tapped him "Time to get up." I said. When Liam got up his eyes were red and fangs were coming out. I ran out of the room and prayed I was dreaming.

I walked into my room and did the same thing to Zayn. He had the same thing to him. "I'm just dreaming" I said out loud walking down stairs. I went back to the stove and got the rest of the pancakes off. I set the plate in the middle and got some sasuage. The table was ready for breakfast. I went ahead and did the dishes that were dirty. The boys came down stairs.

"Good morning." Liam said kissing Brianna on the cheek.

"Goodmorning." I said cleaning the dishes. Zayn came behind me and put his arms around me.

"Come on love let's eat." Zayn said. I acted like I didn't see what I saw. We all ate dinner.

"We should get going." Liam said to Zayn.

"Yea we have to do some work." Zayn said.

"Bye." Brianna and I said. The boys left. I had to tell Brianna what I saw this morning. Just not now.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Liam did you do it to when Amber woke you up?" I asked.

"Of course. I always do. But it's ok she's fine right?" Liam said looking at me making sure I didn't bite her.

"Of course she ran out of the room before I had a chance." I said getting in the car.

"Good now about last night." Liam started, "What did you see?"

"I saw nothing I told you that." I said starting the car.

"ZAYN MALIK! You can't lie I know you saw something." Liam yelled at me. I just started to drive and didn't say a word until we got at a red light.

"Liam have you ever wanted to go back to the night that the whole thing happened?" I asked.

"Zayn if we went back One Direction would still be together Danielle and Perrie would be here. More importantly the boys would be here." Liam said. Good thing he's a vampire or he would start crying.

"Liam it's ok." I said turning the oppoiste direction I was suppose to go.

"Zayn where are we going." Liam asked. He already knew the answer.

"You want to know the truth about what I saw?" I asked.

"Yes." Liam said.

"I seen Harry. Well his ghost anyway. I still talk to Harry. Niall's been helping with Theo. He thinks about us every now and then. Harry still misses Louis. Louis is still missing." I said.

"WHAT?" Liam yelled mad that I still talk to Harry.

"I'm sorry I kept this from you I just knew you would ask questions about Danielle and then bam we would be back in our rut." I said.

"Zayn I don't care about Danielle right now. You know it's dangerous out here why are we going to his house." Liam asked.

"Just wait here." I said parking the car in the drive way. I got out of the car and ran to the door. I just opened it and went in. Harry came back here last night. I smelt him. I grabbed what I needed and left.

"What just happened?" Liam asked.

"You will find out later." I said going home.

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