The Dream That Turned Into A Nightmare-Chapter 11

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Amber's P.O.V.

"Brianna I don't think this is a good idea. We have always wanted to go out with them, but this isn't what we wanted." I said.

"It's like a night mare." Brianna said.

"Like a dream that is turning into a nightmare?" I asked.

"Yes." Brianna said. "Come on we have to get ready. Should I wear my batman shirt with jeans and my high tops?" Brianna asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Amber wear your red dress and red heels." Brianna said getting our stuff out of the closent. She always put my stuff in her closent. I don't know why she did it but she did. I put my dress on and my heels.

"Why am I getting all dressed up for Zayn? I don't even like him anymore." I asked Brianna coming out of my room.

"You still like him Amber." Brianna said. "Come here and let me do your hair."  I went into Brianna's room and she curled my hair. I loved the way she did it and the dress still fit me perfectly. Maybe Zayn will turn me into a vampire I thought to my self.

There was a knock on the door. I ran down stairs and opened it while Brianna came down behind me. Of course Zayn knocked Liam is still shy around me. Zayn came in and wrapped me ina tight hug and forcefully kissed me. I didn't mind it was really nice the way he did it. Liam kissed Brianna sweetly she just blushed.

"You two ready?" Liam asked.

"Yeah let's go." Brianna said. Liam was driving fine with me. I got in the back seat with Zayn. I always wondered what he was thinking. I may never know.

"So you aren't mad at us?" Zayn asked.

"No but next time you hide a seceret and are talking to your friends make sure we aren't around." I said.

"Fiesty." Zayn said.

Liam's P.O.V.

The girls don't know how hard it is to live this way. Me and Zayn have to be careful around Brianna and Amber. This is more dangerous then they think. Going out with vampires might be cool until... "Liam you ok?" Zayn asked making me lose train of thought.

"Yeah just waiting for our food." I said. I knew he could read my mind. He shot me the stop thinking about them getting hurt were dark vampires kind of look. I really wish he would stop with that look. I hate being known as the dark vampire I'm really sweet.

"Good." Zayn said with a smile on his face. Amber got up and went to the bathroom with Brianna.

"Don't think about going into their minds and brain washing them with your mind control." I said.

"Liam what kind of dark good looking vampires would we be if we didn't use all of the powers we have?" Zayn asked.

"The normal kind which is what we want to. We are not these dark vampires. If you want to keep these girls I suggest you stop acting dark. I seen the way you kissed Amber. I also see they way you look at her. Just like you looked at Perrie. We can't replace them Zayn but we can have these two so fix your act!" I yelled.

"Fix my act! FIX MY ACT!" Zayn yelled standing up, "How about you fix yours. We know Perrie and Danielle can't come back but these two can come as close as ever so you need to stop telling me what to do you know I don't want anyone hurt but you also know I can kill you and I wont feel a thing strighten up before I personaly fix your act my self." Zayn said. By the time Zayn was done yelling at Liam, Liam was up againest the wall in Zayn's grasp.

"Put me down now Zayn." I calmly said. "The girls are back."

"And that is how the whole thing took place." Zayn said sitting back down. "We was just playing around."

"We seen the whole thing." Brianna said. "Take us home now." Amber was really scared. Brianna was too but she would admit it.

"Let's just eat." I said. They sat down and joind us for the rest of dinner. When we got done we took them home then went home ourselves.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I really want to turn Amber into us, but if I do then we go back to that night she would forever be a vampire. I wish I had some one to talk to right now. All well. I looked up and seen Harry. "Harry warn me when your hear." I said changing into my sweats.

"Zayn you can turn Amber if you want. We can't go back to that night." Harry said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You are getting darker. We have ti go back to that night the same way we wear. Plus we have to have the same clothes on. Obviously me and Louis can't wear clothes plus the clothes were torn into shreds after the wreck." Harry said.

"I can change and we can.." I started to say.

"Zayn we can't go back. I have someone here to talk to you." Harry said. My door opened and I looked towards it.

"Zayn it's ok." I heard Perrie's voice but couldn't see her.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Right here." She said. I saw her I wanted to cry. "Go out with Amber turn her. I'm happy for you please be happy to. I know you don't want to lose me forever but it's a little let for that. Zayn please be happy treat her how you treated me." Perrie said.

"Perrie no one compares to you. Not even Amber." I said.

"Zayn it's ok. Their will never be another me but don't hurt the boys and don't hurt Amber. I have to go. I will always be with you even if you don't see me around I'm here."  Perrie said point to where my hear was suppose to be. She walked out of the room and I wanted to cry.

"Harry why?" I asked.

"I know you needed closer and you can't cry perfect timing.

Niall's P.O.V.

I was holding Theo. I can't believe Zayn almost killed me. He has never done that before. Maybe he's becoming darker then what we expected. I hope Perrie helps. Yes I talked Perrie into going to Zayn's I just have the magic touch. "Hello?" I said.

"Niall Zayn's tried to kill me." Liam said.

"That boy is going to hurt Amber." I said.

"He might hurt Brianna to." Liam said.

"He wont hurt anyone. Deep down he loves us. He needs blood." I said.

"Doesn't mean he has to turn Amber into a vampire." Liam said.

"Well then turn Brianna." I said.

"What?" Liam asked.

"If you tell Zayn you are turning Brianna he might change his mind. Or maybe Amber wants to be changed to be with Zayn." I said.

"That's crazy." Liam kind of yelled in the phone.

"How?" I asked.

"Brianna will never go for it." Liam said.

"Talk to her about it but I have to go. Theo's crying and I have to put him to bed." I said.

"Good night Niall." Liam said. I hung up the phone and thought of something that could work. Then again I'm the only human left so I may not be right. I put Theo to bed and went to sleep with all these thoughts in my head. This can wait until morning. Louis and Harry came in my room and told me good night then went back to Harry's house.

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