The Dream That Turned Into A Nightmare-Chapter 10

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Brianna's P.O.V.

"Amber stop." I yelled at her so I could catch up. I knew she had been crying. She trusted Zayn but now she can't. It's hard for Amber to trust. In fact it's hard for me to trust anyone. Amber is my friend though and I just want her to be ok.

"Why?" Amber simply asked.

"Because they love us. Us walking away wont changed that." I said.

"Well they can move on." Amber said.

"Actually I like that their different." I said.


"You have to admit it is really sexy." I said.

"Well we can't cancel and they are sexy when they get mad." Amber said.

"Let's go get ready." I said walking back to the house with Amber.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Zayn who the heck are you texting?" I asked.

"Amber making sure they didn't cancel on us." Zayn said his eyes red with anger.

"Zayn they didn't cancel Brianna told me calm down." I said.

"I'm not angry!" Zayn shouted. "I'm hungry and not for this freaking nast human food I want no I need blood."

"Zayn not the girls anyone but them." I said trying to find someone close out side. Niall was still here. I smelt him upstairs. "Shit!." I mumble. I ran upstairs before Zayn could. "Niall leave now. Zayn's really hungry and he doesn't know how to control it completely. GO NOW!" I told Niall. I could hear Zayn come upstairs.

"Niall come here!" Zayn yelled.

"Niall go!" I said. Nial jumped out of the window. Zayn ran oustide so I went behind him. Zayn caught up to Niall then realized that Niall was his friend. Zayn turuned around and saw our neighbor. He ran to him and killed him. Zayn drank as much as he could then I drank the rest.

"We don't tell anybody." Zayn said to me and Niall. "I'm sorry Niall."

"It's ok Zayn I uderstand." Niall said.

"Zayn we have to go get ready." I said.

"Let's go." Zayn said.

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