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Jace above


"oh we invited someone else I hope you don't mind" Dad says and then the door bell rings and he goes to get it he walks back in the room with none other than.

Nick my Nick.


I look at him then I look and see the little boy on his hip and I smile awkwardly and excuse myself I go to the bathroom downstairs and I sigh bracing myself with my hands n either side of the sink I look in the mirror and I look okay considering I don't have any makeup on I fix my hair then I go back out.

I smile at everyone "Ava" Nick says and I smile giving him a hug he tenses up but then hugs back I pull away and I miss the warmth of him.

"who is this little guy?" I ask and he looks down at his son and his face brightens "this is Jace" he says picking him up off the floor I smile at him "hi Jace I'm Ava" I say and he giggles "Ava" he says and I smile nodding.

"he is so cute" I say and Nick nods putting him back down I smile at him then I sit on the couch then I go on Instagram and look through celebrity things and other crap I feel something on my leg and I look down and see Jace walking he looks at me and then holds his arms up wanting to be picked up I smile t him and pick him up placing him on my lap.

"Ava" he says and I nod smiling "mommy" he says pointing at me and I freeze and look up everyone is looking at me and with shocked expressions and some are confused "oh I'm not our mommy" I say and he looks down and starts to cry.

I gasp and then hold him closer "okay I'm your mommy then" I say and he stops crying and wraps his little arms around my torso letting me hold him I look up at Nick and he is smiling at Jace and then I realize something 'he did it on purpose' and I get angry I look at Jace in my arms and some of my anger melts away.

Jace eventually falls asleep in my arms and I get up gently placing him on the couch he snuggles into his Giraffe stuffed animal and I smile then I turn to Nick "can I speak to you?" I ask and he nods following me out into the backyard.

"what the hell was that?" I ask in a yell/whisper "what was what?" He asks and I laugh bitterly "don't give me that shit you son just called me mommy then cried when I denied it, did you tell him to do that?" I ask and he looks taken back "no I didn't honestly I didn't think he would say that he has never met his mom he is probably just taking a liking to you because you are the only girl he has ever been around" he argues back and I sigh "whatever you need to tell him that I am not his mom" I say and he nods sadly "I miss you" he whispers and I stop turning back around to face him.

"what?" I ask and he looks up "I said I miss you Ava I haven't dated anyone because I still miss you I haven't even looked at another girl Missy gave Jace to me she didn't even stay after his birth she just left me with him I couldn't go to college because I have a kid everything was taken away from me even you I needed you and you left me" he says like it is my fault that he knocked up Missy.

"look I'm sorry about that but you got her pregnant not me so don't try to blame me for leaving I did what was best for me" I say and he nods 

"I wanna start over Ava please give me another chance I miss you so much" he says and I look up at him.

"you get one more chance and I swear to the heavenly father praise Jesus that I will leave and never come back" I say and he nods and I open my arms and he runs up to me and hugs me lifting me up off the ground.

We let go and he places me back down "thank you so much Ava it means everything and I won't let you down I promise" he says and I smile and then I remember Jace "well what are we going to do about Jace?" I ask and he curses "shit I forgot what do we say?" he asks and I think of an idea.

"since we are dating I am technically his adopted mom I guess so that is what will happen" I say and he nods putting his arm around my shoulder "we are gonna be okay" he says and I nod.

"I hope so" I say before we walk back inside.


shorter than my usual ones but still okay 

what do you think about her choice??

should she have said no and left again??

-Love Anna Xoxo

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