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this next chapter is gonna be a long time jump so basically after she leaves the note for him, she decided to accept the offer from the college in London that she applied to. it has been a year since they have seen each other and her family/brothers so there will be new characters but only to Anya and Luke which are her friends in London. Nick has the baby and has been raising him because Missy didn't want anything to do with the baby and because of the child Nick wasn't able to go to college and is still in Colorado where they are both from.


I wake up and today I am going to visit my family that is back in Colorado it is currently the middle of December, and it is quite cold in London I put on some leggings and a oversized sweater with my uggs and a scarf. I do my hair in a messy bun putting on my glasses and no makeup since it is 5 in the morning my flight leaves at 6 and I need too finish packing.

"hello??" I hear that familiar voice call "Luke I'm in here" I call from my bedroom he walks in a second later and smiles at me "gurl you look fabulous" he says and I laugh hugging him "I'm gonna miss youuu" he says and I nod "maybe you could come down with me?" I ask and he laughs "my mom would cut my head off with a spoon" he says and I nod laughing.

"help me finish packing pleasseee" I say and he nods while I go get my make up, toothbrush, razor all the necessities for a week's trip back home.

once I finish I text Anya and tell her that I am leaving she is visiting her great grandma who is dying in Ireland.

Luke offers to drive me to the airport and I accept making sure that I have all my chargers and electronics.

the drive there is silent you can only hear the Christmas music playing in the background once we get there Luke walks in with me and waits with me until we hear the lady's voice over the speaker 'flight 210 is boarding now' it says and I stand up along with Luke.

he smiles sadly at me and I hit him lightly "don't act like we are saying goodbye forever it is just a week babe" I say and he nods smiling at me "I'm gonna miss you Aves" he says using my nickname I roll my eyes and hug him after about a minuet I let go and kiss his cheek "I love you Lukey" I say and he smiles nodding lightly "and I you" he says and I smile walking up to the lady at the desk I give her my boarding pass and she lets me through when I am about to step on to the plane I get a text from Luke 


I put a suprize in your bag don't open it till Christmas morning love you Aves <3 

I smile and shoot him back a text 

AVES: you are the best love youuuuu <3 

I enter the plane and go to my window seat which is right near the wing of the plane I take a picture and put it on Twitter 


'Heading back home for Christmas can't wait to see my familyy <3'

I upload the picture and then I plug my headphones in playing One Direction albums the whole way there

(Nick's P.O.V) 

I am scrolling through Twitter when I see a tweet from Ava my Ava it reads 

'Heading back home for Christmas can't wait to see my familyy <3' 

with a picture of the planes wings above it I like and re-tweet it then I get up and go get the sleeping baby up he is only a year old his name is Jace he has brown hair and blue eyes I walk into his room and smile seeing him awake and looking at me he giggles when he sees me and I walk and pick him up "hey baby boy how are you?" I ask him he smiles at me he can talk in broken English only certain words like yes, no and light for some reason.

he giggles when I tickle his sides and a grin spreads across his ace he is almost two years old he will be in a couple of months he can walk and likes to walk often around my small apartment near my old house.

I change him and put him in a Onesie that is a little big on him, it has Giraffes all over it he loves them and has a little lovey that is a giraffe

he never leaves that thing anywhere it is always attached to his hip I smile picking him up and then placing him on the floor he runs out of the door and I follow him I know exactly where he is going.

the stairs.

he loves to go near things he can't do or have I pick him up just before he reaches them and I carry him in my arms when I get in the kitchen I place him in his chair and handing his, his sippy cup with water in it then I cut up some fruit for him and I make myself some toast and eggs.

If Ava posted that tweet a couple of hours ago she should be here soon I need to get her back I haven't dated anyone or looked at anyone since our breakup it was too painful everywhere I looked I saw her in every girl. I kept the note that she put in mail before she left and i have it in my bedroom desk so I have the last thing she ever gave to me.

once I finish and Jace finishes his food I clan him off and get ready for my day I dress in black skinny jeans and a over sized grey sweater then a lack beanie and some brown ankle boots then I am off for today.


we finally land a couple of hours later and by that I mean nine hours later. I get my luggage and grab a taxi I get out once he stops at my house and I pay him getting my bags out and then sighing looking over at Nick's house.

I would be lying to you if I said I didn't think about him here and there I haven't dated since him sure guys have liked me, but I never liked them like I liked Nick.

I walk up to the door and knock on it within a few seconds the door fly's open and I see Callie standing there "AVAAAA" she screams hugging me tightly "Cal I can't breath" I say and she laughs moving away and letting me see my brothers and dad.

once we get the greeting over we catch up apparently Callie and Liam are a thing and I never knew that "oh we invited someone else I hope you don't mind" Dad says and then the door bell rings and he goes to get it he walks back in the room with none other than.

Nick my Nick.



-Love Anna

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