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I wake up to an empty bed beside me I groan and get up it is currently eight O'clock and I decided on sleeping in after the kids left this morning I went back to sleep. 

I look on the nightstand and see a note from my wonderful husband Nick I smile as I read it.


I have to stay a little late at work today,

but I love you so much I will see if I can leave early 

I love you baby,

-Love Nick

I finally get out of bed after reading the note I put on some black skinny jeans and a cute blouse with some black flats and a long necklace.

just because I am thirty three doesn't mean that I can't dress cute I mean I do have two teenage kids in the same grade I had a little girl with Nick her name is Lucy she is in the same grade as Jace. 

she has my  dark brown hair and her fathers blue eyes she is a gorgeous girl she reminds me of myself when I was that age she is only fifth teen and Jace is sixth teen.

I decided on meeting up with Luke today I put on my makeup and then I grab my phone and decided to go to his house.

I drive there listening to music and drumming my fingers on the steering wheel he only lives five minuets away from us. I get to his house and I open the door with the key that I have I walk in placing my purse down and going to the kitchen I see Jack sitting at the table eating and Luke is eating.

"hey guys" I say and they both look up "hey babe" Luke says hugging me Jack gets up and hugs me too. 

"where is Lace?" I ask referring to their daughter that they adopted "she's still sleeping you can go get her if you want" Jack says and I nod walking up the stairs in their house I go to her all pink room and open the door.

She is still asleep like Jack said I smile and wake her she smiles when she sees me "aunt Ava" she squeals and hugs me "hey baby girl" I say hugging her back I help her get dressed she is only six. She try's so hard to pick out clothes that match but they never do it is so cute.

"this is perfect" I say giving her gold sandals to go with her white dress she nods and puts them on.

I pick her up and go downstairs I place her in her seat at the table and get her some food "be careful it's hot" I say and she nods I walk up to Luke and I groan.

"aww what's wrong babe?" he asks and I jump up on their island and sit on it "I feel like Jace is pushing me away" I say and he nods "it is probably just his teenage stage" he says than giggles at his own rhyme and I nod "I guess, it's just weird he would always run to me when he got hurt now I feel like he doesn't need me anymore" I say and he nods "I get it just give it some time he will need you eventually" he says and I nod after hanging around with them for half of the day I realized that I have a family of my own to cook dinner for.

"I love you all" I call as I leave I hear them all say 'I love you back' before I shut the door and walk to my car.

Once I am home I decided on making lasagna for dinner I am ready to put it in the oven when the door opens "mom?" I hear Lucy call and I smile "in here" I say and then they both walk into the kitchen.

"hey loves" I say to them Lucy gives me a hug and I don't get one from Jace I sigh and put the lasagna in turning the timer on.

"how was your day?" I ask them Lucy answers and tells me all about this cute guy she met and I laugh at her story  "that's good and yours Jace?" I ask and he looks up from his phone.

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