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"Ava I need to tell you something" he says and I nod still smiling.

"I..I Love you Ava Foster" 


"I love you too" I say smiling he pecks my lips and I giggle. After we stayed there a bit longer and just stayed in each others arms. He drives me home and walks me to the door.

"I had a great time tonight" I say smiling he nods and puts his hands around my waist pulling me closer "I love you so much" he says and I smile kissing his lips he kisses back and we stand there enjoying our passionate kiss until someone opens the door we abruptly pull apart and are met with the eyes of none other than Ethan.

"hey that's my sister no funny business" he says pulling us apart I laugh at him "bye I love you" I call over my shoulder while Ethan pulls me into the house I think I hear him say 'I love you too' but I am not sure.

"thank you Ethan for that" I say glaring at him he laughs and me dad smiles at us "nice to see you to are getting along" he says and I nod.

"I am gonna go to sleep I am tired" I say and they both nod "I love you all" I say and they say it back I walk up the stairs to my room and I change quickly then jump into bed remembering to plug my phone in before I fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning late and I then remember that I don't have school I chuckle lightly as I get up and walk to my bathroom taking a nice hot shower relaxing my stiff muscles I repeat the same routine as always then I get out and dry off.

I get out a pair of black shorts and a white V-neck then I put on a cute long necklace that looks like a dream catcher then I blow dry and curl my hair then I go back into my bedroom and grab my phone off of my desk then I go downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see all the boys eating shirtless "ew put on shirts you all are gross" I say and they laugh.

"oh please you love it" Liam says and I gag "ewww" I squeal and they just laugh harder I glare at them going to the fridge and picking out a yogurt to eat. 

I go into the living room an see that the Olympics are on I love watching these with Nick so I call him up and he will be here in a couple of minuets. 

"what's up bitchacos?"Nick asks as he bursts through the front door. I look at him and laugh "hah come and sit down you butt" I say and he smiles at me and jumps over the back of the couch. 

we sit there almost all day and watch the Olympics at about five thirty my dad comes home from work and he looks at us and raises and eyebrow I look at him "what?" I ask turning away from the very attractive synchronized divers. 

"have you been here all day?" he asks and I smile sheepishly "maybe" I say and he laughs "okay well is dinner ready?" he asks and I look up "oops we can order pizza" I suggest and he nods "okay pepperoni and cheese?" he asks and we both nod turning back to the divers.

My dad orders the pizza and we wait "I'm hungrrryyy" Ethan whines coming in the living room I glare at him "shhh I don't care we are watching the Olympics shut it" I snap and Nick looks at me with a proud smile I laugh and turn back to the TV.

the pizza arrives fifteen minuets later and we all eat watching the TV together it gets to be eight O clock and we are all still watching TV we weren't caught up and we watched them all day we missed a couple of days due to some issues that came up.

most of the guys are asleep and I laugh at them 'pansies' I think to myself and Nick is almost out I smack his shoulder and he looks up at me startled and I laugh "I'm sorry baby did I wake you?" I ask and he nods I notice that everyone else is asleep and I smile getting on Nick's lap.

"what are you-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his he kisses me back putting his hands on my hips he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist he carries me upstairs and to my room never breaking the kiss.

he locks the door and I smirk at him he walks over to my bed and lays me down I smile at him and he lays on top of me holding his weight by putting his arms on either side of my head in a push up position.

he kisses my lips and I kiss him back in a passionate lustful kiss I reach up and put my hands under his shirts touching his six pack he moves from my mouth down to my neck I moan when he sucks harder making sure to leave a mark on my neck I lift his shirt up more and he lets me take it off.

I pull it over his head and he grabs the hem of mine and looks me in the eyes "are you sure?" he asks 

"yes" I breath before he pulls my shirt off of my head he smiles at me "god you are so beautiful" he says and I smile he kisses me again then moves down to my shorts taking them off I take his off and he slides his hands behind my back going for my bra next he stops before looking at me.

"keep going" I say and he nods


I didn't wanna go to into the sexual stuff but oo

Love Anna Xoxo

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