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for my bestfraand <3

As the show comes to an end, Indi and i make our way to the line that awaits the boys for the VIP part of the night, quickly checking the time, my phone reads:


well fuck, that went fast...the lines getting shorter and i can see Derek dancing to 'Hookah - Tyga'. he looked so cute omfl. since i was getting sweaty earlier from all the dancing, i had taken my jacket off and put it in the car, stupidest thing i've ever done i swear... it's now my turn and Derek welcomes me with a smile and a hug as goosebumps rise up my entire body, fuck.

"shit, you look freezing, here take this." he says while taking his Tommy Hilfiger hoodie off as his shirt rides up his stomach a little and i have to force myself not to look. handing me the jacket i quickly put it on as i inhale a deep breath smelling his cologne. he smiles widely at the fact the jacket looks absolutely ridiculous on me considering its huge. i laugh a little and mumble a thank you. i look over at Indi and i can see her putting Nate's hoodie that says 'skate' on the side of the hood, smirking and wiggling my eyebrows at her as we exchange a look knowing that she took her jacket off on purpose, i go back to talking to Derek as i can see Indi do the same with Skate.

we take a few pictures and say our goodbyes, me completely forgetting that i had his jacket on, i turn around to take it back, but he mouths a quick "keep it" while smiling and winking at me. i blush like crazy knowing im never going to want to wash this, ever. as im waiting for Indi to hurry the fuck up, i can clearly hear the one and only Dillon Rupp's voice behind me, i turn around quickly and see him walking my way. "Hey! nice to meet you, i see you've managed to pinch D's favourite jacket from him huh?" he says laughing a little and i go red.

"fuck. i had no idea it was his favourite, he told me to keep it an-"

i was cut off by Dillon laughing at my babbling, shaking his head.

"don't sweat it, trust me, if he gives you an item of his clothing, he likes you, exactly what he did to me, except it wasn't clothing really, just a pair of socks. it just means he's telling you in his own fucked up way that he wants to get to know you." he says chuckling a bit.

"oh, well still, it's his FAVOURITE, i should give it back." i say kinda stressing out cos hello! im wearing Derek fucking Luh's (says in the ridiculous voice he did in that stupid vine lmao) hoodie. 

Indi approaches us smiling big and i know Skate would've done something to make her this happy because for real, she's a bitch 24/7. no joke.

"hey" we both say smiling as i introduce her to Dillon and they exchange hugs.

"Well i better get going, gotta get back on that tour bus and hit home, considering it's the last show, we don't have to be cramped up in that small ass bus anymore, thank fuck."he says looking relieved.

"okay, bye!" Indi and I say waving and smiling both giving him a massive hug.

once he's out the door i scream.

"OMFG HE'S SO SMOL" i say in a childish voice and Indi just laughs shaking her head.

"come on hoe, i wanna sleep, its 2 am already."

'yeah its twoooo AM, I-I-I WANT IT GIRL' 

(soz i had to)

"aight lets go" i say as we make our way to the door amongst the other girls.

were walking down the street towards our car, and walking past the massive black and gold tour bus, our outfits are fucked up, hair frizzy, and makeup probably more smudged than my life.

just getting to our car i open the door only to hear footsteps behind me, i look over my shoulder to see Skate and Derek running towards us while calling our names.

"hey, are you alright?" i asked Derek as he approaches me with a worried expression, i see Nate doing the same towards Indi and i get nervous for a minute.

"oh shit, hey." he says panting, while doubling over and holding onto his knees for support, he finally speaks up.

"i was just worried i wouldn't get to you before you drove off i've been looking for you everywhere, same with Skate."

i give him a questioning look as he realises that he still hasn't explained what he needed.

"oh right, anyways, i was wonderiinnngggg"

he says dragging on 'wondering'

" go on " i say gesturing my hand in a ' keep going ' motion.

"can i get your number?" he asks looking nervous as fuck, it's cute to be honest.

shocked, i quickly get my phone out, handing it to him without saying a word, he breaths a sigh of relief as he smiles and types his number in, me doing the same to his. Setting my contact name to Kiran <3 i smile and hand his phone back, he turns my phone off after putting his contact name in leaving me curious as to what it is.

"don't open your phone until you get a text from me okay?" he says raising his eyebrows a little and smirking.

"how will i know if its you?" i ask kinda confused.

"trust me ma, you'll know if its me" he says smirking and walks backwards while smiling, 

"i'll see you 'round?" he asks still walking backwards.

"of course" i pipe up waving goodbye and turning to get back in the i sit in the passenger seat as Indi's driving the way home this time.

"so?" she asks smirking at me.

i wait a little to contemplate what the fuck just happened.

i can't seem to find any words to explain my feelings so i just scream "I GOT HIS NUMBER OML"

"SAME" Indi screams just as loud.

"okay, i've got to say, im glad you dragged me to this concert, cos  honestly that was the most hype shit i've ever been to since we've been here.

"your welcome best friend, now lets go get some food and go home, i wanna sleep."

"it's as if you read my mind" i say smiling at her as we turn up the volume of the speakers with her phone plugged in to the AUX, Your number by Ayo Jay comes on and we jam out on the way to Chick-Fil-A.(i think thats how you spell it idk)


after we had eaten, we both took a shower and sit on the cough afterwards explaining to each other that we were both forbidden to open our phones until we got a text from one of the boys. we sit there, and it's now 4 am, deciding that we probably wont get the texts for a while considering they just did they're last show and they'll be too tired to even want to pic their phones up, we head to our separate bedrooms and climb in bed.

"good night hoe! sweet dreams! thank you for tonight! love you!" i scream across the hall considering we both sleep with our doors open so if we cant sleep we can just talk since our rooms are directly across from each other, we can pretty much see each other when were lying down facing the door.

"night! your welcome! love you too!" she screams just as loud. not knowing why were being so loud considering we can literally see each other, i bust out laughing.

"alright, go to sleep now, love you"

"yeah, yeah whatever" i say rolling over turning my lamp off and cuddling up to the white feather blankets.

'i actually enjoyed myself tonight, thank you best friend'

i think to myself as i slowly and calmly drift off to the only place i feel completely free.



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