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Indi's POV

it's been a few days since i've talked to Nate.

i really don't mind though, i understand he's got music to produce and fans to please, so i'm trying to give him as much space as i can.

Kiran slept in my bed with me last night because she had a nightmare about school, welcoming her in straight away she was nocked out within 30 seconds, it's almost lunch time and were laying in bed, well, im laying on my phone and Kiran's snoring her ass off, probably dreaming about whatever it is she dreams about, maybe she dreams about having birthday sex with Derek...?

holy shit, Birthday sex... Birthday... IT'S HER BIRTHDAY IN 2 DAYS!!!

i shot up, trying my hardest not to wake her up but failing, she groans and sits up, looking at me then at the wall, then flopping back down on the bed, continuing her sleep, i didnt mind though, she needs it.

i get up from the bed and walk into the lounge room, grabbing my laptop off the desk and going to the website for the Mercedes dealer ship and getting the contact number, i shut my computer after typing the number into my phone and walking out into the hallway.


after agreeing with the dealership guy that i would go into the store today and buy one of their cars, i walk back into the apartment and go to my room, seeing K still knocked out on the bed, star fished across the white feather blankets, i quickly change into a pair of black jeans with a grey v neck, applying some mascara and lib balm, i tie my hair in a messy bun and grab my keys off the bedside table, i leave a quick note telling K i wold be home in a few hours, i pick up my white converse slipping them on not bothering to tie the laces, i leave the apartment getting in my car and heading to the dealership knowing already what i want to get.

after arriving at the dealership and picking which car i wanted, i told the guy exactly what i wanted the car to look like, and im now waiting in the waiting room. it's been almost 3 hours and the guy said it would be another 5 or so minutes and i was good to go, i called Derek and asked if he could meet me here to drive the new car back to my apartment and he said yes.

"here it is! you're new beauty" the guy said smiling.

i look at the car in awe, a matte black Mercedes Benz G Class, exactly the same as mine, just different colour. Perfect. Derek had arrived about 2 minutes after i called, and he's standing behind me looking at the car like it was his own new born.

"thank you so much! i love it" 

"im glad you do, your welcome" he says as he hands me the keys.

i take the keys and hand them to Derek

"do NOT, damage this car on the way back to my place, or i WILL chop your balls off, got it?" i say pointing my index finger at him raising an eyebrow.

"it'll be fine Indi, let's go" he says opening the drivers door and getting in.

im following him back to the apartment since he drove out first, and my speakers are blaring Nate's song ' How it go '

we arrive at the apartment after about 15 minutes and Derek parks the car behind mine, so if she sees it, she will think it belongs to someone else, little does she know, it's all hers.

"thanks D" i say as he hands me the keys, smiling and giving him a hug, he says a quick 'your welcome' and walks to the front and orders an uber.

while i was waiting for the car to be finished up, i had done some shopping and bought K some gifts, i grab the bags and put the keys to her new car into a small ring box, closing it and putting in one of the many bags.

i walk into the apartment and i can hear the shower running so i quietly sprint to my room and hide the bags inside my empty suitcases, zipping them up and putting them in the corner of my room, knowing there is no reason at all that she will open these, the gifts are safe until her birthday.

i hadn't bought her much, but that was because all of the things were incredibly pricey.

i hear her turn the shower off and open the bathroom door, i yell out to her to let her know im home.

"Morning princess!" i say in a sarcastic tone as i can sense her giving me the finger and rolling her eyes.

"fuck off" she mumbles and i just chuckle.

"so it's your birthday in 2 days" i say to her as she enters my room wearing sweats and plopping down on the desk chair, folding her legs.

"uh huh" she says shrugging

Kiran's never cared about her birthday, because no one except me ever cared about it either, memories of the way people treated her started flooding into my head and how they would push her around all day and i suddenly got an idea.

"come here" i say grabbing my phone, she plops down next to me and i open the snap chat app, going to the twin dog filters, she's the Dalmatian, im the normal one.

i take a photo of both of us holding the finger up to the phone, captioning it 'IDGAF BOUT YOU' with a middle finger emoji and a heart, i send it to EVERYONE that we knew went to our school, and locked my phone.

"why'd you do that?" she asks giving me a frown.

"they needed o know that we don't give no fucks." i say shrugging

she just laughs and heads into her room.

"how long have you actually been awake?" i call out to her

"for a bout 4 or 5 hours, you were gone for a while" she yells out as i can hear her climbing into bed, turning her lamp off and tossing around to get comfortable.

"well shit" i mumble as i turn my lamp off also and get comfy, drifting off to sleep...


Kiran's POV

im just about to fall asleep when i hear my phone vibrate beside me.

really nigga? really?

i look at who it was and see Derek's contact name pop up, i smile slightly as im a little less angry since it's just him. unlocking my phone and reading the message he sent, smiling at how he just randomly decided to text me before i went to bed.

From : Luh <3  night ma, sweet dreams . i'll see you this weekend? x

To : Luh <3  aww. Night D x thank you. yes, you'll see me this weekend. x

From : Luh <3 Good.

i smile and put my phone back, drifting into a peaceful ,calm and uninterrupted sleep.


uhhh ... yer

thanks for reading <3 



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