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Kiran POV

to say last night is a little crazy is a serious understatement, cos really, Derek when he's angry is not only sexy as fuck, but he's rough, but i ain't lying when i say i like it when he's rough and possessive, it shows that im his and his only.

Derek and I's relationship is honestly confusing, were like an on and off thing. Indi and the boys claim he's madly in love with me or some shit, but i don't wanna hear it from them, i wanna hear it from the dude himself. he's been really touchy lately, holding my hand, hugging and kissing me constantly, complimenting me etc. but if im being completely honest, i like it like that, he's telling people in his ow way to back the fuck down.

it's around lunchtime, and my headache is shooting through the roof, me and Indi are currently waiting for the guys so we can go get breakfast and Advil since we ran out. 

were watching tv on a ridiculously low volume when  i hear a door upstairs being closed and i hear footsteps coming down the staircase. 


"gooood morning ladies!" he cheers a little TOO cheerfully.

"shut the fuck up Swazz" indi warns holding her hand in the air giving Swazz the evils.

he just holds his hands up in surrender before muttering a low 'sorry' and making his way to the kitchen.

"why don't we have any fucking food?" swazz calls from the kitchen, clearly frustrated.

"because you all ate it dumb ass" i say back, receive a laugh from Indi.

he walks back in to the lounge and plonks himself down on the couch across from us leaning his head back and groaning loudly while running his hands down his face.

"so!" he yells shooting his head up from the couch "how was last night after you and D left the club?" he asks with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows.

as soon as those words leave his mouth my cheeks start to heat up and the smirk on his face grows. Indi looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"it was okay i guess" i say playing with my fingers.

"okay? okay?! c'mon K, we all know i rocked your fucken world last night" Derek says appearing from the staircase with no shirt on and messy hair.

"oh shut up with your massive ego Luh" i say smiling throwing a cushion at him, failing as he catches it with ease.

he laughs and makes his way to the kitchen.

"we have no food" i call out to him before he gets to the kitchen.

"fuck" he whispers, turning around and coming back into the lounge, taking a seat next to me and immediately starts playing with my hair.

just as im about to get up to get some water, i hear the rest of the guys coming downstairs, heading straight for the kitchen.

"no food" Derek, Swazz, Indi and I say at the same time, causing all of the hungry and hungover boys to abruptly turn on their heels and come back to the lounge.

"well" i say standing up from the couch. "someone come to the grocery store with me to get food please" i say making my way to the front door, grabbing my car keys, i turn around to see who's coming with me, and see Derek walking towards me whilst throwing a shirt on. i should be okay for clothes, i'm in one of Derek's long t shirts that goes just above my knees considering it's long as fuck on him.

"let's go" i say smiling and walking out to the car, Derek following behind me.

once were both in the car, i start the car up, since i wont let Derek drive my baby, i plug my phone into the AUX and press shuffle, and as we start driving, Skate's new song 'Legend' comes on.

"walk up in the club and i roll weed in my section"

"hennessey with sparklers on the top, that's some present"

"all my homies in here getting drunk, we aggressive"

"pour me up a shot and then i toast to my blessings"

"underpaid, and under rated"

"bottles of the chardanae, we getting faded"

"the industry is tellin lies, yeah they all wrong"

"told me that ahead of time i would've been on"

"im trynna smoke where the grass at? yeah yeah"

"i puff twice then i pass that yeah yeah" 

 "zip locks in my backpack yeah yeah"

"i'm setting trends like the hashtag yeah yeah"

we pull into the carpark and stop the car in front of the entrance.

we make our way into walmart and head straight for the food aisles, grabbing eggs, bacon, bread, pancake mix,waffles, maple syrup, sausages and whipped cream.

as were making our way to the checkouts i quickly grab 2 bottles of Advil from the shelf and scurry back to Derek to help pack the food.


when we got back everyone was in the exact same place they were when we left.

"glad to see you guys are so happy" i say to all the miserable looking people spread across the couches and on the floor.

"Indiboo can you help me make breakfast please?" i ask as nice as possible since she's in a bad mood.

"ugh, fine" she says rolling her eyes and getting off the couch and coming to the kitchen to help me cook.


were just finishing up breakfast when i hear a phone ringing.

"K your phones ringing!" Nate yells from the lounge. i put the spatula on the table and run to the lounge to get my phone and see it's Delany calling.

"Delany! hey!" i say cheerfully into the phone

"hey girl! how've you been?"  she says happily

"good, good, what'd you call for?" i ask a little confused as to why she called me so suddenly

"i was wondering if you and Indi wanted to chill tonight? get to know eachother a bit more" she said happily and i instantly smile at the idea.

"absolutely!" i say happily jumping in the air causing the guys to look at me wierd.

"great! pick you up at 8?" she asks

"sure! see you then!" i say, hearing her say 'bye' before hanging up the phone.

" what was that about?" Swazz asked me.

instead of answering him i call out to Indi.

"Indi! pack some shit!Delany's picking us up at 8!"i yell running up the stairs

"fuck yea!" she screams before following me up the stairs telling the boys to go shove their faces but save some for us.

Tonight's gonna be good.


hey fam <3

sorry my updates haven't been as consistent as usual . 

this chapters going to be in 2 parts since i dont have time to finish it tonigh because im going out with friends, but i had to type this really quick so my fingers are literally cramping.

thank you to @alinaali123alinaali for reminding me to update because i honestly wouldn't have if you didn't <3 

im currently in the process of moving houses and it's also school holidays so i've been really busy with packing and partying. (no joke)



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