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Small, Spanish orchids
Tiny tufts of beans
Delicate petals & sweet smells
Little pods of smiles

Dripping with sweetness & mouth-watering sugar
with a strong kick
like cinnamon
Soft pools of brown
swimming around charcoal buds
Swirls of seeds
Curls of lips
Soft smiles & kind eyes
Pink cheeks & faint scars
You are a meadow of Spanish orchids
Distant & hidden
But beautifully inviting

Fragile stems & torn leaves
Broken pods & ripped petals
Not every flower is perfect
but that doesn't make them
any less beautiful

There's beauty in everything,
but not everyone sees it

In a meadow of flowers,
I'd always find you first
Your beauty sticks out
in a way that no other flower
can even compare to
A beautiful mind
A kind soul
A fragile heart
And a pretty face

You are a vanilla bean
A little pod of smiles

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