Chapter 18

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As me and Bri sat here eating I was thinking of a way to really apologize to her for what I did. looking up at her she was already staring at me with a weird facial expression. "What" she didn't say anything right away she hesitated but eventually she asked me was I really done with Calista. I was a little taken aback by the question cause she wasn't really the type to ask that even though she can be straight forward sometimes but since we were having a honest conversation I told her the truth.

"Yeah, I am she irritates me and get on my nerves so as of today I'm single, but that might change soon but I'll see" I said.

"Oh really who is the next victim in the world of Carter?" She ask. I laughed lightly shaking my head at how she put it but she had know idea she was next and this time it's gone be forever well at least I hope.

"Well I wouldn't call her a victim she knows me so she know what comes along  with being with me and plus who can say no to this face and this body?" I answered. She laughed and called me conceited  which she probably was right in a way but I was just very sure of myself. We sat and talked for the whole night it was cool because usually I couldn't stand girls that kept trying to come up with stuff to talk about but with Bri it wa just easy and comfortable. I eventually left around 2am I didn't know it had got that late until Bri started drifting of to sleep.

Me: good nite and did u lock da door

I had to wait a few minutes before she responded and in those minutes I had dosed off.

Girlfriend: nite 2 u 2  and yeah c u 2morrow

Me: nawl c u in the am

Girlfriend: lol alright

After reading the last text I smiled and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up early with the same smile that went to sleep with. I got out the bed did my daily  hygiene routine so that I could go over and eat breakfast with Bri  her mom made the best  French toast that I've ever tasted. I put on my clothes then went to the window to see if  Bri was woke yet but she was still in bed, she was so not a morning person but it's was better this way because that means that I could go wake her up. I went down stairs kissed my mom an the cheek and I was out the door.

Knocking on the door Ms. Winters came to the door she looked kind of surprised seeing me I knew it would be weird because it's been a minute since I came over this early in the morning. I told her god morning "Good morning to you to Kegan what brings you by so early you know Bri isn't woke this early?"  she said. "Yeah I know she told me if I were to wake up before her that I should come by and wake her up". I said telling a little of truth but hey it's for a good cause. She looked at me like she knew I was lying but she smiled anyway and told me to go on up.

When I entered her room she was all balled up under the covers so I went and sat on the bed and stared at her for a few seconds I know creepy but whatever. She started moving a little so I started putting my wake up techniques to work  I grabbed a piece of her and rubbed  it across her lip first that mad e her lip twitch. Next I rubbed it over her ear and she slapped it away from her I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing because the aces she was making were priceless.

Lastly I got as close as I could to her so that my lips touched her ear but that didn't go as planned because she ended up slapping me away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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