Chapter 1

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              Ugh! I hate waking up so early in the morning but I did'nt have a choice in the matter because some genius decided to invent this place called school. You have no say so about going cause supposedly it's against the law.The law really who are they? the only person would get in trouble is my mom.Shaking my head from my crazy thought I dragged myself out the bed to start my day.


 Oh how I did'nt want to leave my bed it was the best part of my room it so comfortable.Ok no scratch that last comment. The best part of my room was the window that sat in the corner that looks directly into the love of my life room.who is the love of my life you ask, Kegan Carter is his name and he hot like really hot.

I headed to my bathroom turning the shower on and make sure  the water is the correct temperature.

  Hopping in making sure not to get my hair wet. I got out the shower noticing I succeeded at not getting my wet yay! me ha ha I crack myself up sometimes.This was a great acomplishment cause I did not feel like blow drying it.

 Drying off leaving the towel around me which it is really not all th way around me it is exposing a little bit of my thigh but oh well it's not like anyone could see.I brush my teeth and leave my hair down today instead of my usual ponytail. Walking back into my room headed to my closet to find something to wear I pulled out a pair of yellow skinny jeans, a black off the shoulder shirt with yellow leopard print pattern up on the side this shirt was so cute.I grabbed my yellow and black converse to top the look off.

  After I finished putting my clothes on I added a little makeup, eye shadow to be exact I'm really not into makeup that much. I put on carmax lip balm and  my lockett my granny gave me before she passed away. looking in the mirror with an approving smile for a fat girl I sure know how to dress if I may say so myself.

Looking over at my clock to seeing that  there were only had  30 minutes left to get to school or I would be late.Today would be the first day of my senior year so I real did'nt want to be late.

Yes! senior year b#%ches and I can't wait till it's over, then I can finally get away from Kegan Carter and his dumb ass friends. Don't get me  wrong  I may have a crush on Kegan Carter and maybe even love him but he is still a total a$$hole especially around his friends.

 Running down stairs  seeing my mother and older brother sitting at the breakfast table talking, I was in a rush so I really did'nt have time to chit-chat with them.I hurried around  grabbing everything I needed.My mom made me get something to put on my stomach so I just picked up a banana and a bottle of water.  

Making sure I had everything on my way out the door I audibly heard my mom say have a good day.

I mumble an Ok and  rushed out the door into the garage to see my baby, I smiled  taking in the sexiness and beauty in front of me  running my hand over the  side and saying good-morning to my Audi R8 ha ha! I bet you thought I was talking about a guy  I wish.

I wish that said guy I was talking about was Kegan I've liked him since the eigth grade and I thought he liked me to but I was so wrong.Oh well.

This  car was a present from dad for my 16th birthday to say I was surprised is an understatement but i'm a daddies girl so I kind of expected something good but not this good.

Opening the garage door I started to back out when I heard someone yelling for me to stop  turning around I see  my best-friend since kindergarten Casey Narks she gets in and greets me "morning Ellie". 

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