chapter 6

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I was now in my room with Casey and Denni thinking of ways to get Kegan and his troll girlfriend back for always screwing with me."Ellie what was that in the cafeteria today when you walked out laughing?"Casey said."Oh I just was thinking about something"I said smiling slyly."Yeah right you were thinking about something devious now what was it?"."Alright I was thinking about ways that I could get Kegan and Calista back for always humiliating me".she smiled and said she wanted to help me and so did Denni."OK guys we have to come up with something good?"."What do you have in mind Elle?"Denni ask."Well I was thinking since we had Home ec together that I could go to the drug store and buy laxatives and put in the food we make tomorrow and hide the evidence in Calista locker ".

OK so maybe  that was'nt the best idea but it  was a start."Yeah that could work but that would take to long to work and he barely goes to Calista's locker".I thought about that for a minute which was true he did'nt really go to her locker."What if we hide his lacrosse equipment and Calista cheer-leading uniform"Denni puts his two senses in."That is such a armatures prank Denni we need something bigger so that know not to mess with me again"."OH OH I got it what if we give you a make over and make Kegan jealous and find someone to be you fake boyfriend"."Casey that a nice idea but I rather not try and change myself for the sake of a guy but I like the idea but we need something a little more evil than that".

We sat there for a couple more hours trying to come up with something but everything we came up with was either had been done a million times or it was not enough for the effect that we wanted.It was getting dark out and  Casey and Denni had to get home I told them that we would resume this tomorrow but I was still in my room thinking about what to do.I decide that maybe I should start on my homework and forget about it for now my stomach started to growl because I did'nt eat dinner because I was wrapped up in this whole revenge thing so I just went down stairs to get a snack chips and a soda.

   On my way back up the stairs I heard I knock at the door but that could'nt be right mom was'nt here so it could'nt be anyone for her Denni and Casey just had left and if one of them was coming back they would have called.I continued to walk when the knock got a little louder so I turned around and walked to the door and looked out the peep hole to see who it was and low and behold it's the asshole himself in all his sexy glory.what the hell did he want?and Why was he here out of all the places I was interrupted when he knocked again "WHAT!" I yelled through the door."Open the door Bri"."Why the hell would I do that?"."Bri just open the door please"."why,why should I open the door for you?"."Please can you just open the door".

He was starting to sound a  little irritated  but I could care less cause I was also irritated. He did'nt say anything  so I looked out the peep hole to see if he was still there but he started to walk away but I did'nt want him to so I opened the door a little he stopped and turned around "What do you want" I said in a small timid voice."He looked at me for a minute before he spoke again "Are you going to open the door for me now?"."Um! that is the purpose of me opening the door"I said sarcastically."So are you going to come in or are you going to just stand there?". He started walking towards the house and I eventually got nervous and my heart started trying to claw it's Way out my chest.He walked past me brushing his arm against mine and I felt tingles shoot through my arm and they felt good and I wanted to feel them again.

  I hated and loved the way my body reacted to him damn him and his hotness making feel like this.i shut the door and we both stood there in awkward silence not saying anything.I finally decided it was time time to find out why he was here "Is there a reason your here?"."Yes your mom ask me to come and check on you and make sure you were alright since your here by yourself"."Oh is that right well you can tell my mom that I am a big girl as you would put it that I am fine and I don't need you of all people coming over checking on me so if we're done here you can exit the same way you entered".

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