Chapter 2

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         I woke up early the same as I always do to the sound of my phone buzzing signalling I had a text message I already knew who it was from cause she does this at the same time every morning  so I ignored it.

The person on the phone was my annoying girlfriend at the moment Calista she gets on my nerves she always has to know what I'm doing and where I am and I f$#%king hate it. I lazily drag myself  out my comfy  king size bed.

My room was the average boys room I guess you could say it had A TV,desk,and computer all the walls were white except for one which was green with my name spray painted in black.  I guess it got the trick done with the ladies.

I headed over to the bathroom and hop in the shower I let the hot water run down my back until I feel my muscles untighten I finally get out and brush my teeth then spike my hair.I walk back to my room with the towel still wrapped around my waist I turn on the radio and they are playing MKG 'wild boy' which happens to be my favorite song.

I finally get to my closet to find something to wear but something more important catches my eye.

The most beautiful girl in the world to me her name is Abrielle Winters but I call Bri bear but not to her face of course.She has long brown hair and green eyes that I could look in forever and curves that go on for weeks.People at school call her fat well me to but I really just see her as thick.I have liked her since the eighth grade.

Right now she is really showing how sexy she is she is wrapped in a towel same as me and it does'nt go all the way around her so it's exposing her thigh and might I add she looks good in a towel.

I feel myself staring so I walk over to my closet I don't want to get caught perving on her that want be good for either of us.I take out a black pair of  jeans,white shirt,and my black leather jacket I throw that on and sat down to put my combats my phone started buzzing again I ignored it again. 

Then look in the mirror for a once over I look good.I head down stairs to see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast like always she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says "good morning" my dad left when I was three with his assistant so screw him "good morning" I said and kissed her cheek.I ate my breakfast that consisted of pancakes and bacon my favorite."sweetie your happy this morning"mom said.

 "I am" I ask."did you see Abrielle" .

I start coughing and choke out "WHAT? I mean wh.... why did you ask that" I say stuttering nervously."Whoa son I was just asking since you and her go to the same school"she daid patting my back."Oh in that case no I have't seen her not her face anyway".

"What was that Kegan"?."ugh nothing I got to go" I flew out the door disaster avoided. No one knew that I like Bri Bear that was my little secret and I was determined to keep it that way until I'm ready to deal with it.

When I get outside to where my car is I see Bri backing out of her driveway in her Audi tt (my Audi R8 looks better) when she stops to let Casey in she had her hair down today which I love on her.

She must have sensed me watching her cause she looked up and meets my eyes I waved and give her one of my genuine smiles and she did the same.I got in my car and pulled off with a smile on my face when the phone rings I look the screen to see Calista name flash across the screen "shit! Hello"."Well good morning to you to sexy what's up with you"? .

"nothing" I say a little irritated now cause Calista has f#$ked up my mood now with all her calling.

"OK well where are you? and are you still coming to pick up from home? if so what time will you be here?" Calista asks."oh my  God Calista what is with all the questions? yes I'm coming alright"."OK how long is it going to take cause I need to stop by Starbucks"."I'm leaving out the driveway now I'll be there in about ten minutes is that ok with you" I say with a slight attitude .

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