The Story Of My Life 2 : Gone

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*Jacks P.O.V*

"Remember that I love you, and I always have" was her final words. Her eyes closed and her body got heavier. I held her in my arms, in shock. I began shaking as the rain drops dripped onto her lifeless face, it made her pale skin glisten, like she was still alive.

"I love you too" I whisper. Tears begin to fall and caress my face. I pulled her limp body closer to my chest, rock back and forth and close my eyes. I am sucked into a black hole of emptiness, and lonliness. A life where I live without the one I love. A life drained of colour and happiness.  Questions ran through my mind, different versions of my life. All had the same answer. I could never be happy again. I feel a hand on my shoulder shaking me and forcing me into this bleak and god awful reality. My eyes fling open, I place the body of my dead wife on the ground and stand. The rain falls down my face, hiding my tears. Even though so many emotions had bubbled up to the surface, I kept a straight face as I kept a blazing glare at Lewis.

"Finn" I whisper

"Yeah" He responded.

"Give me the gun"

"But...She said no. She told you not to kill him"

"She didnt know what she was talking about"


"LOOK FINN. SHES DEAD. HE KILLED THE ONE I LOVED. SHES GONE! HE DOES NOT GET TO WALK AWAY! HE NEEDED TO PAY FOR WHAT HES DONE!" I yell, yet more and more tears fall. Finn keeps the gun and pulls me into a hug, and I just break down and fall into a ball of emotion and anger. I pushed Finn away and grabbed the gun. I aim the gun at his head. The vision of a bullet going straight through his head. The feeling of revenge.

"Do it! I don't deserve to live!" Lewis yells at me. 

"No. No you dont! This is why you have to live, YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" I yell. I look down at the gun, my finger hovering over the trigger, I take a deep breath and throw the gun on the ground. I turn around and begin to walk away.

"You didn't deserve her!" I hear Lewis yell. I stop in my tracks, a ball of anger and fury built up inside me. I turn to face the douchebag. "She could have done alot better than you"

"She loved me, not you. She made her choice, she was happy. And don't you think you can talk for her, BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! You may have been her best friend growing up, but she was my wife. I know everything. Everything you told her, everything you did. So back off. She was happy and took that away. She loved me and I loved her! You didn't even deserve her friendship" I say. I look at the image of hatred on his face. "Come on Finn" I say and walk away. There was silence. The rain was even heavier. I picked up the body of my wife, and draped her limp body over my arms. Just as I was about to walk into the woods, I turned back to Lewis. He was still stood there, with a blank expression on his face. 

"I hope you achieved what you wanted" I whisper, but I know he heard me. I walk through the darkened woods, realizing that this was my life now. We place her body in the back of the car, and I sit with her. I stroked her soaked hair, and looked at her flawless, pale face. She looked so peaceful, and so beautiful. I rest my forehead on hers, these are the last moments I get to spend with her. I kissed her for the last time, the warmth had left her lips, and had been replaced with ice cold. "I love you".

Everything was a blur. The last thing I saw was her face. Her sweet face. The next was a blur of red and blue lights, and an empty waiting room filled with silence. As Finn and I sat there, I saw couples bringing out newborns. Why was this happening to me?! Suddenly someone in white appears before me. I look up to see a doctor inspecting a clipboard.

"Mr. Harries?" She asked. I stood up to come to her sight. I was ready to embrace the horrid news.

"Thats me" I say, holding back as many tears as I could. 

"Your wife...."

" dead I know. Just can I see her for the last time" I cut her off.

"Erm, your wife isn't dead" She informed me. My eyes widened, and I was struck with shock. My feet were frozen and my eyes let any tears fall.

"What?" I managed to whisper.

"She just lost alot of blood, and we have managed to stop the bleeding. She is fine"

"She...she isn't dead?" 

"No, you can go and see her now"

My feet unfroze from the spot and I ran down the hall. I stared straight into every room until I reached a room. It was filled with light and and the smell of sanitary. There were flowers on the table, and there she lay. She still looked pale and fragile. I slowly walk over to her. I see her chest moving in and out with each breath. I brake down in tears. I quickly take a hold of her hand and I am greeted with some warmth. 

She's alive!


Hello :) And this is the sequel to The Story of My life. This time its from Jacks point of view. I hope you enjoy the story. 

~Georgia xxx

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