Chapter Nine, Missing!

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"JACK!" I yelled, fumbling around in her cot, hoping she would be somewhere. My baby was gone, someone has my baby!. Jack comes rushing in and spins me around. By this point tears were falling like a waterfall and I couldn't stop shaking. 

"Whats going on?" He whispered concerened. 

"SUMMER'S NOT HERE! JACK, SOMEONE HAS OUR BABY" I yell at him. His eyes widen and pushs me out the way slightly to the now empty cot. I could see the panic, and I shared his feeling. All I could see when I closed my eyes was her face, her innocence and her eyes. I had to find my baby. I began running. Out into the dark, I was encased in darkness. But I kept running. 

"SUMMER!" I yelled into the dark abyss, hoping deep deep down she would repsond. But I knew she wouldn't. Only a few hours ago, she was in my arms. Now shes gone. "SUMMER!" It was no use. But that didn't stop me from running. After about an hour of running, I slow down and try to look where I was. I was completely and utterly lost. But that wasn't the worst part, because now my darkness fear was setting in. Everything was black, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, and I was completely alone. It was suffocating me. I began to hyperventilate. My heart was pounding, and I coudn't stand anymore. I clutched my stomach as I fell into a ball on the floor. Help! I needed help!. 

"JACK!" I yelled into the dark and empty abyss. My breathing was getting worse. I reach down looking for my phone, when I realize I left it at home. My breathing increased and my heart beat was going through the roof, I couldn't breath. 

"JACK!" I yelled out once again. Nothing. I didn't know where I was and it was getting darker. My baby was gone, and I was lost. Summer, where are you?!  Nothing could help my breathing, and all I could feel was the freezing cold floor. Suddenly two headlights came into view, but I could barely stand. The car stopped a couple feet from me, and a figure came out and rushed to my side. I was scooped up in their arms. 

"Thank god I found you!" Jack whispered in my ear. My breathing was still increasing and I felt like I was going to black out. Jack picked me up and carried me into the car. They kept the back lights on, and handed me a paper bag. I breathed into it as I embraced the light. I grabbed hold of Jacks hand. 

"Jack...Summer...Where's my baby...WHERE'S MY BABY?" I yelled between breaths. He gripped my hand tighter, and shot me a panicked look. 

"We'll find her" He brought my head down and rested my head on his shoulder. My breathing started to regulate, but I couldn't relax. We drove around all night looking for signs, or anything that would indicate where my daughter was. She was gone. She was less than a day old, and already out of my reach. 

"Did you phone the police?" I whisper.

"Yeah, but shes been gone for under 24 they cant do anything"


"Look I tried and tried to convince them, but there is nothing they can do yet"

"But...but...our baby...our daughter" I stuttered before more tears fell. 

" I know, but we'll find her". Dawn was fast approaching, with still no sign of Summer. I can't believe she was gone. We couldn't give up!. But we had to go home, to contact the police, or anyone who would know where she is or who took her. We slowly stepped into our house. Something was missing, a piece in the puzzle of our family. Without a word, I instantly walk up into my daughters room. The sun shone through, illuminating the pink paint, all her stuffed animals and her cot. I sit in the rocking chair, in the corner of the room. I rock back and fourth, for what seemed like hours. Summer....Our daughter...Who would take my precious baby?! I kept crying and crying whilst staring at nothing. Suddenly Jack enters the room, and places a hand on my shoulder. I hold his hand, but continue staring at the wall. 

"She was beautiful. Now she's gone....why did you lie to me Jack?"

"When did I lie to you?" He asked with concern. He squatted beside me and brought my gaze to his.

"When we was in the hospital. I asked what if I was a bad mother? Now our daughter is gone."

"Listen to me, None of this is your fault. We WILL find our daughter, we will. And once that happens, I am not letting either of you out of my sight" His eyes welled up, but he face was rock solid. He had to be the strong one for both of us. 

"We NEED to find her" I whisper.

"And we will" He took my hand and led me down stairs. Finn was at the table, writting notes down and talking on the phone. I sit down next to Jack, as Finn hangs up the phone. 

"The police are sending out a search party in 2 hours, I can get others to help. We will find her." I gripped Jacks hand. 

"Where...Where's the search party meeting?" I stutter. 

"Down by the park, I'll take you two down there soon. I have to make a few more calls. I turn to Jack, and I can tell by his face, he want to cry. 

"Stop holding it in Jack"


"Your trying to be strong for the both of us. But you need to let it out too." And with those words, a river ran out of his eyes. I brought him in for a hug, and rubbed his back. 

"Our daughter....our beautiful daughter" He kepts repeating inbetween cries. After about an hour, I guess that he just can't cry anymore. Instead, his face is replaced with a stoney expression of determination. 

"Lets go" Finn came in, handing Jack and I our coats. I looked at Finn, and gripped Jacks hand tighter. Finn squatted beside me. "We will find her"

We drove to the park was was met by about 20 police officers and 15 volunteers. I was so touched that the were willing to help us. When we arrived, Finn disappeard into the crowd and returned with who I think was the leader of the operation. 

"I will give you three walkie talkies, go I can let you know when we find her. If we find nothing after 5pm then we have to reel in the party, and start again tomorrow" And He handed Jack, Finn, and I walkie talkies and the crowd dispursed. Jack and I were walking down this road, desperately looking. We checked every hiding place we could think of but we still couldn't find our daughter. I was determined to keep looking. 

"What happens if we don't find her?" I whisper

"We will" Jack replies.

"Yeah, but what if...."  I was cut off.

"WE WILL FIND OUR DAUGHTER, EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!" He yells as it echos down a near by alleyway. I took Jacks hand, and we continued looking. It was getting later and later. And still no sign of her. At 5 o'clock, we got a message come through the walkie talkie, telling us to come back. My heart sank. Our daughter was still lost out there. We met the others at the meeting place. And we were all sent home. I sighed on the car journey home, Who would do such a thing. I needed my daughter back. We arrived home, where once again it felt like something was missing. Jack and I didn't say a word, but just went back to our daughters room. It was so empty. Jack embraced me as we looked over her empty cot. Why did this happen to us? I cried into Jacks shirt, and he kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair. We stayed in that room all night. At about 11, I pulled out some purple paint we still had in her room, and a small paint brush.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked. But i didn't respond. Instead I painted the infinity symbol with Summers name in the bottome right corner. Jack walked over and looked at the painting with me. 

"It's beautiful" Jack whispered in my ear. 

"I just needed something to remind me of her" I whisper back. 

Suddenly we hear this crackle come from the far side of the room. We realize its the walking talkie and run over to it. 

"Hello?" Jack sent through. 

"Jack? Jack do you read me?" This voice came out if the walkie talkie. 

"I read you" 

"We have a sighting of your daughter"


New chapter up tomorrow ;P

~Georgia xxxxx

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