Just an intro to what is going to be the weirdest things ever. Basically a rant book with rage writing and me being stupid and writing what I need to say. That's the only reason I'm publishing this "book", I need someone to say all this to.
Do you ever watch a video or read a book or hear about something really bad/good/stupid/interesting and you have SO MUCH to say about it, but no one to say it to? Everyone you know in real life wouldn't be very good people to say any of it to, or they just wouldn't care, and you need to voice your opinion and thoughts to someone or you feel like your opinion doesn't matter, like you can't contribute to anything. Or maybe something happened in your life and people aren't with you at the moment to talk about it with. Or there's something you want to say and there's not a good place/time to say it and you're not sure if people would care about that particular topic anyway. Or maybe it's something you really want to say and you're not sure how people would react to what you have to say. Or you want to talk about something and explain yourself a lot so that it's completely clear and people understand, but can't do that when just talking to someone. Or maybe it's as simple as you have something really funny you want to share with people. Or you found a really good book you want to recommend to as many people as possible because it's truly amazing and the author has so many more awesome books. Or you want suggestions for books to read. Or you're just bored and want something to do, so you write random shit in this book. All that is basically why I'm making this "book".
I know, very weird intro page for this. And I don't know why I felt the need to explain why I'm making this, but I'm kinda glad I did. It gave me something to do for the very first chapter, and if you're still reading this after all that, good for you. That just lets me know that there's someone who's interested in all this stuff I'm typing out. And honestly, reading back everything I just wrote, I feel like we all have those times, whether you know it or not.
Man, this turned into a much more serious Intro than I intended it to be...Most of the "book" probably won't feel as serious as this. But, then again, it depends on what I need to say at the time.
So, that was the Intro page. Obviously, updates are whenever I feel like it or need to say something. See you all later!
Random Stuff
AléatoireRandom rants and stuff I need to say to something or someone. A lot of it is probably gonna be really stupid, but this is gonna be full of stupidity, and even this description is stupid because I can't explain the stupidity I'm gonna be writing abou...