Be There For Someone

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Everyone needs someone to be there when they feel bad, are in trouble, or just want to talk to someone. Everyone goes through stuff, good and bad, and everyone needs a good friend to talk to or to just be there when they're needed. This goes along with when I was saying to be nice to each other. Be nice to each other and be there for each other. Make friends and keep those friends. Personally, there have been many times when stuff wasn't going very well, whether it be just an unusually bad day or other, and there wasn't really anyone I could talk to. I have a large family, 6 older siblings, but two of them don't come over very often, two of them are just plain not people you can talk to about life stuff, one wouldn't really be able to listen and talk when I need it (hard to explain, would rather not right now), and one hasn't been someone I'd think of going to when I need to talk about stuff. Lately she's been telling me that she's always wished I trusted her more and talked to her about these things, and that she'd listen and talk and help out. And it's not that I don't believe her, I do, it's just that I'm not used to talking about stuff to people, much less her. And I still haven't really talked to her about anything super serious, but I'm sure the time will come. So I apparently have someone I'm told I can talk to, but not everyone does. But you can be that person, you can be that friend. And if you ever, EVER, need someone to talk to, I'm here. I may be young but I understand (to a degree) what you may be going through and how to help. And not only am I here, there are so many people out there who care about you and who would be more than glad to help and just be the person you come to when you need to talk with someone. So consider your options, and remember, you're not alone. Never are you alone and never are you going to be alone. There's always someone here who'll care and who'll help, you just gotta reach out.


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